

Please read our dog bios carefully to be sure that the dog you are applying for suits your family and lifestyle. At Pound Dog Rescue, we believe in the benefits of post-adoption training for our dogs and their families. This allows for continued socialization, and learning and helps to create a well-mannered and balanced dog. Post-adoption training is a requirement in our adoption process.


Meet Ardi, the German Shepherd x Doberman cross who is ready to wiggle his way into your heart. This 7-month-old pup is a bundle of sweetness with the biggest smile you’ve ever seen. Ardi’s eager-to-please attitude and joyful disposition make him the perfect addition to an active household with another dog and slightly older kids (about 9 years or older) who can match his energy. 

There are so many things that make Ardi one-of-a-kind. Ardi is as smart as he is adorable, always keen to learn. He mastered sit and down in a matter of seconds and gives you such intense focus during training, keeping his eyes pinned to you and dropping with a huge “THUD” to his down (the faster he goes, the more treats he’ll get, right?). He loves going on adventures, sniffing out new sights and sounds, and his curiosity knows no bounds. He’ll often go over to nudge his leash and look at you innocently as if to say, “Don’t you think it’s time for a little outing?” 

While he does fairly well on his own, his confidence really shines when he’s with another dog, so a furry sibling would be a great match for him. At 60 pounds already, we anticipate he will be a big boy, so he also needs a home ready to accept him at whatever size he reaches. This also means he will need a home committed to his exercise & continued training, matching his energy & intellect. Most of all though, Ardi would love a home ready to smother him in love. He is a huge suck and a cuddle monster, always wanting to be with his family. Yes, he can get a bit rowdy during playtime, but it’s all in good fun. He’s an excellent communicator, always letting his foster brother know when he’s had enough. He adores people and other dogs alike, although his interest in squirrels and birds suggests he might have a bit of a prey drive, so likely won’t be suitable for a home with a cat or other small animals. That said, he is so sweet-natured, so it’s possible he’d be okay with a dog-savvy cat in the home. 

While Ardi does have a lot of energy, this kid also knows how to chill. One of Ardi’s favourite pastimes is slinking off to a cool spot in the kitchen or bathroom, especially after some rough play with his foster brother or a long walk. His evening routine consists of snuggling into the fluffiest dog bed and snoozing with reckless abandon. He is so relaxed and happy in the evenings, especially after a good dinner and a nice long walk.

Speaking of food, this pup is always hungry, and he’s not shy about letting you know it! Sometimes, we’ll catch him grumbling with frustration if he thinks we’re taking too long getting his food ready. He also SPRINTS to his crate (where he gets fed) when he sees it’s meal time. It’s comical how fast he runs there and then sits, eager to chow down! His vocal nature goes beyond meal times and we’ll often catch him yipping joyfully as he entertains himself with a toy.

If this dog sounds too good to be true, it’s because he almost is, but Ardi is still a young puppy and as such, is definitely working on a few things. While Ardi is crate trained, he’s still learning to love his crate and still has occasional accidents if left during the day/evening for more than 3 hours. He has no issues overnight and crate accidents are becoming less and less frequent as he grows. He’s working on his leash etiquette and learning to heel. He also has signs of some separation anxiety, including a few barks and cries when separated from his family or dog friend. This is also getting better as he learns we won’t be gone long and as he gets practice being alone, but he won’t be suitable for a home where he’s left alone all day. Last but not least, Ardi is not immune to puppy mischief, including mouthing, digging, and chewing. He is also a prodigious counter-surfer. He will need diligent supervision to ensure his puppy mischief cannot be achieved and consistent reminders of his manners to help him grow into his best self! 

All of that said, Ardi is truly one of the loveliest, easiest dogs we have fostered. If you’re ready for a bundle of puppy-love who will be a sweet and staunch companion for many years to come, Ardi might just be the perfect match for you. Put in an application today and prepare to fall head over heels for this adorable, snuggly, and oh-so-hungry pup!