

Please read our dog bios carefully to be sure that the dog you are applying for suits your family and lifestyle. At Pound Dog Rescue, we believe in the benefits of post-adoption training for our dogs and their families. This allows for continued socialization, and learning and helps to create a well-mannered and balanced dog. Post-adoption training is a requirement in our adoption process.
 I am so excited to introduce you to this absolutely lovely little lady, Beatrix! Beatrix is a beautiful 4 year old Cocker Spaniel who is about 25 pounds and has the softest strawberry blonde fur and a sprinkle of freckles across her snout. Beatrix’s nickname is Trix or Trixi, and even though she is 4, she still is just a loving little puppy. She’s a young dog who is so affectionate and silly, she always loves to keep us laughing. In her prior life, Trix never had a chance to be a puppy herself before becoming a breeding dog and she is so happy to have her youth back and be treated as a family member. Beatrix has a wonderfully loving and affectionate nature and just absolutely adores being nearby her favourite humans and being part of the action. Beatrix’s has a full tail which is different from many cocker spaniels, and boy that tail can WIGGLE! Overall, Beatrix is a very sweet dog who loves snuggles and playing. 

During Beatrix’s first 4 years of her life, she was used for profit as a breeding dog and was not given the attention or affection she desperately wants. Trix was discarded so soon after having puppies that she was still leaking milk when we picked her up. Due to the neglect and abuse she has faced she can be a bit more skittish than other dogs and sometimes retreats from overwhelming situations. She gets a little nervous around loud and sudden noises but other than that this resilient girl shows no signs of her past life. She is so people oriented and loves to lay on her back and play with us by gently mouthing our hands and giving kisses. Trixi is ready to move forward and leave her past behind! 

Trix LOVES to be the star of the show! She is so goofy and loving. One thing about Beatrix is she’s a bit of a klutz. She bounds up the stairs two at a time and has to be carefully watched going down them. She sometimes gets excited running around the house so fast her little feet come out from under her! Sometimes, this means collisions with her foster siblings but she does her best not to take anyone down with her. She can’t help it she is just so excited! She often makes us laugh when she does her little excited dance which includes hops and lifting her front legs off the floor and wiggling her tail so hard it wiggles her whole body like she’s shimmying! It’s her signature dance move and is quite adorable. 

Beatrix has done a good job with her housetraining and she has learned that she is only supposed to go in the yard and not in the house! Trix holds her bladder easily overnight and up to 6 hours during the day! She has not had an accident since her first few days here but we expect that her forever family will need to support her transition in learning where she’s supposed to go in her new home! 

Beatrix gets along quite well with other dogs and lives with two foster dogs siblings. Beatrix loves to play and likes to run around barreling into her buddies and having a blast. Though Trix loves dogs, she does give space and will leave her dog friends alone and settle well when needed. Beatrix would be happy to either be the only dog to soak up all of her families attention, or to share her home with some good natured dog friends! Beatrix has not been cat tested but would likely do fine with a dog savvy cat in the home. With her good nature she’d be happy to have more family members regardless of species. 

As Beatrix is still slightly skittish due to her past life, she would do best in a home with calmer children over the age of 10. Trix is friendly with people of all sizes but loud noises and coming on too strong can be scary for her. As she is playful once she is familiar with her surroundings she would likely be a great friend and companion to older children.

Beatrix travels quite well in the car but likes to climb into laps. She should be secured with a seatbelt in the car for everyone’s safety! In new situations she does sometimes get a bit overwhelmed so she might need a bit of gentle encouragement when arriving at your destination! 

Depending on how busy the neighbourhood is, Trixi can struggle a bit on walks. Too many loud noises can cause her to lose confidence and be frightened. She does warm up with practice and knowing the route but due to her fear she must be walked using a secure martingale and leash. Walks have been Trixi’s biggest area that she has worked on and she prefers to use the bathroom in her private backyard. Though she will overcome this fear, we recommend that her forever home has access to a fully secure fenced yard for ease of housetraining and her safety. 

You might notice that Trix has a white spot on her eye! This is a corneal deposit likely due to a previous eye ulcer or a scratch that went untreated in her past life. It has fully healed and causes her no pain and was checked with our vet. It is likely permanent but has limited impact on her vision. Beatrix has some tartar on her teeth that has started coming off as she discovers chews, but, like all dogs, her family will need to pay attention to her long-term dental health. Beatrix had some yeast overgrowth in her ears when she arrived which was treated with a solution. Being a cocker spaniel her forever family will need to keep up with her ear cleanings and keep an eye out for ear infections. Due to the fact Beatrix recently had puppies she cannot be safely spayed for another few months. Beatrix will be adopted out on a contract knowing that she must return for a spay at our vet in Cambridge. Due to this, her forever family must live within 1 hour of Cambridge in order to make this possible. 

If you are looking for a super loving, sweet, playful, goofy, curious little lady who sometimes needs a bit of help with her confidence, Beatrix just might be your girl! Her ideal family will never hold back any love and always treat her kindly all she wants to do in life is snuggle, play, and be loved. Trix has a heart of gold and truly thrives on affection. She has a wonderful nature and will continue to blossom in her forever home.