

Please read our dog bios carefully to be sure that the dog you are applying for suits your family and lifestyle. At Pound Dog Rescue, we believe in the benefits of post-adoption training for our dogs and their families. This allows for continued socialization, and learning and helps to create a well-mannered and balanced dog. Post-adoption training is a requirement in our adoption process.

We are pleased to introduce Brie. She is a 5-year-old Cocker Spaniel who is full of love and an expert at cuddles. Brie weighs about 25 pounds. This little lady has a beautiful caramel-coloured coat with lighter-coloured paws, head, and ears. Brie is very sweet and affectionate and enjoys spending time with her people!

Brie came to Pound Dog after being used for breeding purposes and has adapted well to home life as a pet. She has not had an accident since the first few days in her foster home. She sleeps in her crate each night without any issues and has gone up to 3-4 hours in her crate without issues. Brie has been great with all the dogs she has met and is currently being fostered with a large male dog whom she gets along with very well. Brie is not being fostered in a home with children; however, she has done well with the children she has met so we think she would be suited for a home with children over the age of 8 who are well-versed in proper dog interactions. 

Brie has had her check-up at the vet. She is up to date with her vaccinations and has had preventative flea and de-worming along with being spayed. Brie has the classic curly Cocker Spaniel ears which put her at risk for ear infections and can have a build-up of yeast. Her new owners will have to be diligent in checking her ears and knowing the signs of irritated ears. As for her teeth, Brie had some tartar and gingivitis, particularly on her premolars and molars, which is common in mill dogs. Our vet had a good inspection when she was spayed and advised she does not require a dental at this time, but Brie’s new family should be prepared for her to have her teeth cleaned at the vet in a few years. Of course chewing on chew toys and dental chews will help with this also.  In addition, on her physical exam, our vet heard a Grade 2 heart murmur which is not a concern but something that needs to be noted. None of this has slowed her down one bit and she is full of love and joy. 

Brie is excited to get up every morning and patrol the yard before her breakfast. She loves to chase squirrels and sniff for other small animals in the backyard. Therefore, we would not recommend a home with cats or other small animals. Brie has quickly figured out that cuddles and pets are great and enjoys both multiple times a day. In particular, she requires some cuddles before she eats her breakfast in the morning! 

Brie enjoys her daily walks where she also sniffs around and explores the world. We would characterize Brie as a medium-energy dog, despite her small size. She would do well with two 20-30 min walks per day or one walk with some other form of exercise in the backyard. Brie is very excited to walk so she does pull on her leash which we are working on. Once she is at home she enjoys following her favourite person around or napping next to them. She also loves to look out the window and watch for birds or squirrels!

Anyone interested in Brie needs to think ahead to the holiday season…are you travelling?  Having large gatherings at your home?   Then sadly this won’t be an ideal time to be bringing a new dog into the home.  But if you have a travel free holiday season and will be mostly be spending quiet days and nights at home, then this would be a great time to introduce a new dog into the home.  All new dogs need consistency and routine in the weeks and months following an adoption so we have to ask all our applicants to think ahead as to what the holidays realistically will look like before submitting an application for this girl.

When thinking about Brie’s ideal home we think she would do well in a detached house or townhouse. She would love a backyard to run and sniff in however, as long as she gets her regular exercise and has a window to look out she will be happy! Brie would love someone who is home throughout the day or some of the day to spend time with and let her out occasionally. 

We are so proud that Brie is ready to find her forever home. If you are looking for a lovely, cuddly, wiggly girl to add to your home Brie is the girl for you!