

Please read our dog bios carefully to be sure that the dog you are applying for suits your family and lifestyle. At Pound Dog Rescue, we believe in the benefits of post-adoption training for our dogs and their families. This allows for continued socialization, and learning and helps to create a well-mannered and balanced dog. Post-adoption training is a requirement in our adoption process.

I am delighted to introduce Caleb, a 7 month old Hound and Lab mix.  Caleb came to our rescue from a local pound with a leg injury which is now healed.  He weighed in for his neuter surgery at 44 pounds.  Caleb is still a puppy with lots of growing left to do.  He is a high energy pup who requires a lot of exercise and mental stimulation.  He is looking for an outdoorsy and active person or family who can take him on many adventures and get out with him daily for long walks and hikes before a good evening  couch cuddle.

He currently goes on 4 or 5 walks daily with a minimum total of 7 km daily.  Several times a week we go to the local conservation areas for a 5 km hike and on those days we may reach a total of 9 or 10 km.  I believe Caleb would be a good candidate for agility training later on after he does his basic obedience training classes as he is highly trainable and loves to learn and work.  Best advice I was given is that a well behaved puppy is a tired puppy.  We have taken this to heart and because he gets his energy needs met, Caleb is a very laid back gentle boy who has done no typical puppy mischief in the house …although he recently thought it was fun to steal my slippers and hide them in one of his beds.  At home Caleb is quite content to curl up on one of his beds and either nap or chew on his many toys both soft and hard.  He delights in going to the toy box and taking out several toys to play with each day and leave them all over the house.  He enjoys chasing toys down the hall but hasn’t quite got the idea of returning them to me. Caleb no longer follows me as my shadow and is happy to relax on his own in another room, mostly the living room where he has taken over the couch as his favourite go to place. .   

Caleb quickly learned the command “sit” and automatically sits to have his lead put on for walks and also when he returns home.  We have an after walk routine; Caleb goes to the couch and wiggles himself silly until I come over and give him tummy rubs which he loves. My neighbour has nicknamed him the love bug. 

In the house Caleb is pretty good on the recall command.  We often go to a nearby green space on a 50 foot long line so he can run.  His recall can be comical as he comes running full speed and doesn’t always stop and I have to side step so he doesn’t run into me.  It’s a work in progress.  Caleb loves being outdoors and he spends time on a 30 foot long line in the yard with me since I don’t have a fenced in yard.  He would love a home with a fenced in back yard where he could run and play, but this won’t be a replacement for his daily walks.   He will do just fine without a fenced yard too as long as he gets his energy needs met like he does in his foster home.

In the morning when I open his crate Caleb does a big stretch and then waits for an all over body rub before heading to his favourite couch waiting for me to get my shoes on for our first walk of the day.  He is very patient and once he knows I’m ready he comes over to get his lead put on. 

At the writing of this bio he has been with me just over a month and has made amazing progress.  Caleb is a very intelligent puppy who is quick to learn.  He walks well on lead and rarely pulls.  I have trained him on the gentle leader head halter but I haven’t found he really needs it.  I was expecting him to pull when he saw bunnies, chipmunks and squirrels on our walks but he just stops and watches them until they disappear and then continues our walk. One evening Caleb spotted a baby toad on the road and was fascinated.  He gently nudged it with his nose and it did a little hop forward.  Caleb continued this sweet gentle play for several minutes before we resumed our walk.  Caleb is a highly social puppy who loves to meet and greet new people and dogs.  He is very gentle with these encounters and is a bit upset with me when I won’t let him meet everyone.  Caleb recently met my neighbours 2 cats in a friendly manner.   He has no problems with cars going by but large trucks and the back-up noise made by the garbage truck frightened him.  Caleb is being fostered in a small rural community with nearby green spaces for his walks.  He is not a candidate for a busy urban area as some traffic noises can be startling for him, but a quieter subdivision, a town, or a rural area would suit him well. 

 Caleb is highly food motivated.  Unless he’s being rewarded for obedience training sessions Caleb has to work for his treats.  He was quick to solve simple treat puzzles and I have gone up to higher level ones.  Caleb can be a counter surfer so all food needs to be kept out of his reach.  He is a bottomless pit with a hearty appetite just like any growing puppy.  During the day when it’s getting near meal time he will sometimes sit and look longingly at the counter area where his treat and food containers are kept hoping I’ll give in. 

Caleb has issues with separation anxiety that are being worked on.  He rarely barks or whines unless I leave the house and then he will whine/howl until I come home.  Because of this Caleb should not be in an apartment or condo home.  We have been working together on this.   We have found that a sturdy crate, and a frozen stuffed Kong or marrow bone to keep him busy when I’m gone seems to do the trick for him.   When he has a food treat that lasts for a few hours he’s quiet in his crate.  Caleb goes into his crate willingly with a treat and quietly sleeps through the night. 

Caleb is a wonderful pup, full of love and a sweet gentle nature.  He is looking for a home preferably with a fenced in yard where he can free play and run to work off his high energy.  His family needs to be outdoor oriented regardless of the season, already active walkers/runners/hikers, and willing to spend the time walking and hiking that this dog needs. He would be fine with older children who would enjoy teaching him how to play fetch.  Caleb shouldn’t be left on his own for long periods of time and would be best with someone who works from home, or is otherwise home more than away.  Caleb is looking for a family with the time and energy to bring out his full potential and who enjoy couch cuddles with a very affectionate, loveable dog.