

Please read our dog bios carefully to be sure that the dog you are applying for suits your family and lifestyle. At Pound Dog Rescue, we believe in the benefits of post-adoption training for our dogs and their families. This allows for continued socialization, and learning and helps to create a well-mannered and balanced dog. Post-adoption training is a requirement in our adoption process.

I am so excited to introduce you to Cedar. Cedar is a 6-month-old, 18kg Collie mix with a very sweet heart. Even though she has been bounced around from her initial home to pound, she finally found Pound Dog Rescue and a foster home. At first Cedar was very shy, timid, and was very scared of outside life. Now Cedar loves the outdoors and is excited to go on adventures! 

Cedar would fit well into a lot of situations but I think would strive with someone that is active and a slightly quieter household. She doesn’t like loud noises and still is mouthy when playing so she would not do well with younger children under 8yrs of age.  Older kids/teens that know how to be around a young dog would be ok. She still has lots of energy for walks. But is also good at playing with her toys in the living room on rainy days. She rides in the car well, usually falling asleep, she plays well with other dogs that she has gotten to know but is timid at first with new dogs. She will need an owner that will work with a trainer to make sure first interactions with dogs and other scary things goes well and doesn’t cause problems down the line. Cedar currently lives with a cat and most of the time is good with her but as she is still a puppy and sometimes forgets that cats don’t like to play like dogs do, and needs a reminder to play nicely. 

Currently Cedar stays in her crate about 3 days week for up tp 6hrs with a pee break around lunch. The other days are spent traveling with her foster mom to different places to get her used to new things. Cedar is coming along with her confidence but will still need a family that will bring her around slowly until she gets comfortable. She is getting better on leash and currently walks on a gentle leader as she still likes to pull. She is also a little timid with traffic but is coming along. Depending what stage she is at when her new family gets her, they might have to take her to a trail or somewhere with little traffic and continue working on her confidence. With continued training she will pull less and become the perfect walking partner. Cedar will do her business on walks/leash, but will also ask to go out as she is fully house trained. 

When people are home, Cedar has full run of the house and is very respectful for a pup her age. She plays with her toys, or naps on her dog bed. If she is a bit more energetic, she will trot around with her small blanket in her mouth – she seems so proud of it. If she hasn’t had enough exercise, she may let you know by taking one of your shoes. Cedars favourite place for walks is somewhere with shallow water. This girl loves the water! I hope you do too, because if you take her to a river or pond Cedar will stay for hours running in and out of the water and if its deep enough, she will go for some quick swims. If you want a dog to take on camping trips or to the cottage this summer Cedar is your girl!

At some point before Pound Dog Rescue got Cedar, she broke her hind right leg near the hock and it was left to heal on its own. She now has a bump on the inside at the hock. This is still being monitored but it causes her very little issue and has full mobility. Our vet advised that there is nothing that needs to be done with it now and she will always have a lump there.   Occasionally if she hits the leg or it moves a certain way, she can be sore on it for an hour or so depending how hard it was it.

Cedar is fully crate trained and walks in without problems, with a vocal command. She sleeps all night and will even let you sleep in a little on the weekend! She also is in her crate when left alone during the day and might only give out a few quiet whines at first but then settles in. She also says calm and quiet when you come home so you don’t have to rush over to get her out of the crate until you are ready.

This cutie is very smart and will fit into many situations. We expect Cedar to go through basic training at a minimum, but believe that she would excel in advance levels of training would be beneficial to ensure that Cedar can quickly become the perfect pup for your home.