

Please read our dog bios carefully to be sure that the dog you are applying for suits your family and lifestyle. At Pound Dog Rescue, we believe in the benefits of post-adoption training for our dogs and their families. This allows for continued socialization, and learning and helps to create a well-mannered and balanced dog. Post-adoption training is a requirement in our adoption process.                                            

It’s my pleasure to introduce you to Delia! 

Sweet Delia is a 6-year-old Miniature Poodle mix with a soft white and cream coat and soulful brown eyes. At around 11lbs she has a long tail that rarely stops moving and she may have been a professional tap dancer in a previous life because WOW can she ever move! 

Delia spent her first years as part of a large-scale breeding operation before being rescued by Pound Dog. She is still learning all about the good life, but she makes progress every day. Delia is looking for a patient and calm home where she can continue to become a treasured member of the family. She is a true lover of all things comfy now so she’s made a special request for a home full of cozy dog beds and a permanent spot on the couch (her fav!).

Delia is strong and agile and would be suitable for most home environments. She is still learning how to maneuver stairs with confidence but with a bit more time this won’t be an issue. She enjoys wandering around the yard but as long as there is a safe and close space for her to do her business she does not need a home with a yard. She is not very vocal, but she can whine or bark a bit when she gets excited or if she feels like she is missing out on something good so a place where neighbors won’t be bothered by this occasional noise would be best.

Delia has perfected her leash skills and walks along beside me without issue. She may still encounter scary things as we’re walking but with some encouragement, she is able to overcome and keep up. She is unresponsive to any other animals we encounter and bravely passes any people we meet. She is ready to get outside and get her business done in the rain but enjoys a good walk in the nice weather. As she continues to evolve into the perfect dog companion, I think she will enjoy adventures with her new family, happy to be included and to see the sights!

Delia has been a complete joy to have around, and I’ve stacked up a lot of favorite things about her but maybe the best is her pure joy around mealtime. This is where she really highlights her dance talents as she twirls and taps around with a huge grin on her face. She eats her meals in her crate and even once she gets in there, she continues to tap it out until I put the food down and close the door. She has become a fantastic eater over the weeks, and she also enjoys a variety of tasty treats. She is completely crate trained and is in the crate whenever I am out of the house or unable to pay full attention. On days I am working out of the office she is crated all day with a potty break at noon and she handles this schedule without issue. She rests in the crate happily and sleeps silently in there all night. Given her history, Delia’s crate is her safe space and she will need to keep a crating schedule as she transitions to her new home. 

Another thing I love about Delia is her devotion to cuddle time on the couch. No matter where we are or what positions we’re in she always finds a way to be touching me. Sometimes her snout is pushed up against my shoulder and sometimes she has a paw laying across my arm. It gives her comfort to be close to her person so her new family better be looking forward to full contact cuddle time!

Delia is house broken and has only had accidents in the house due to my poor timing. She does not yet know how to tell you that she has to go out so she will need to be let out at regular intervals in her new home while she learns the routine. Delia does quite well in the car but she is still travelling in a crate. She settles quickly and waits patiently for our destination. For her safety she will continue to need to be restrained either in a crate or with a seatbelt. She is very cooperative with handling in these situations as long as she sees you coming. We can assume that she was not always handled with much care in her previous life, so I make special effort to not startle her or make it seem like I’m grabbing at her. She continues to settle into my home in many ways, but she still carries some of these fears and needs a forever family who will understand and work to make her feel safe and understood.

Delia has had a few grooming sessions while in my care and although she was frightened, she was quite cooperative here as well. She was a bit temperamental about her feet, but we got the job done! Delia’s new family needs to be prepared to provide regular grooming for her, so she does not get matted and dirty.  Poodles are a high maintenance coat breed so diligence with brushing and regular professional grooming appointments are required for her. 

Delia is being fostered with other dogs in a home with small animals and she has had great manners with everyone. She is not a dog who seeks out the other dogs, but she lives with them without concern. She would be fine as the only dog in her new home, but she would also be ok with another dog of similar size and personality. She has not yet begun to play and she may not ever be interested in play so any other dog in the home needs to be respectful of her boundaries and not badger her. I think she would also be fine living with a dog savvy cat.

Given her history, Delia should be considered a flight risk for the foreseeable future. As she continues to encounter new things she will gain confidence but at any time she could be overwhelmed and run in fear. As such Delia should go to a child free home or one with older children old enough to be trusted to mind doors and gates as well as taught how to properly interact with a fearful dog. Delia will gain confidence when her family enrolls her in mandatory training classes and as she has shown herself to be incredibly motivated by food, I think she will make a great student!

Delia was seen by our vet where was spayed and given her vaccinations. She is microchipped and was tested for heartworm. She was also treated for yeast infections in both ears which is not uncommon for dogs from this background. Her teeth have tartar build up but there was nothing requiring immediate attention so her new family should be prepared for her requiring dental work in the next 12-18 months.  Regular chewing on chew toys and teeth brushing will delay this further.  But anyone interested in her needs to be prepared for one , if not multiple, dentals in her lifetime as this is a normal need for older small dogs.

Delia is a sweet and attentive dog who is looking for a soft place to land after a rough start to life. She is ready to leave it all behind her for a family who has the patience and consistency to lead her through the rest of her adjustment. She wants nothing more than a family to cuddle and nuzzle and follow around. Given the support and love that she needs she is going to continue to blossom into a one-of-a-kind family member. Do you have room in your heart and on your couch for your next great love? Please fill out an application and I’d love to talk to you about her more.