

Please read our dog bios carefully to be sure that the dog you are applying for suits your family and lifestyle. At Pound Dog Rescue, we believe in the benefits of post-adoption training for our dogs and their families. This allows for continued socialization, and learning and helps to create a well-mannered and balanced dog. Post-adoption training is a requirement in our adoption process.

Meet Elmo, a delightful 1-year-old Shih Tzu with a zest for life and a heart full of love.  He is 15lbs of mostly muscle, a lean and fit young dog eager for all of life’s adventure.  This little bundle of joy is eager to find his forever home where he can continue to thrive and share his playful spirit.

Elmo came into our care from our friends at Save a Dog Network Canada.  Elmo was living in a far north remote community in Manitoba.  Roaming dogs are a common occurrence and sadly Elmo was attacked by a dog.  Thankfully someone stepped in and saved him and got him to SADN where he received care for his wounds.   Once he was stable SADN reached out to us to take over the care of Elmo and find him a loving forever home which we were happy to do.  Elmo is now fully recovered, he has been groomed and neutered and is ready to start his search for a loving forever home.

Elmo came to his foster home fully house training and will happily wait by the door to be let out in the yard or for a much-enjoyed walk. Walking is an adventure of discovery for Elmo, as EVERYTHING must be sniffed, greeted, or marked.  That said, Elmo is happy with walks of any length and location.  He is young and full of vigor so his walks need to be at a good pace, he isn’t an amble along, sniffing everything type dog, he wants to go.  His person/people need to be able to accommodate some good paced walks every day.

Elmo is the perfect companion for a family with kids over 8 and ideally another dog.  He will not enjoy sharing a home with a cat.  His friendly and playful nature means he’s always up for a game or a cuddle, whether engaging in a lively play session with other dogs or snuggling up with his favourite human.   Elmo needs another dog around to have fun with so if there isn’t another playful dog in his home he will require regular play dates with a suitable bestie.  Please note though that dog parks are NOT a suitable play option for him; having been attacked by dogs, he does not want to be around free running dogs that will rush up to him.  Elmo is a lover not a fighter and wants to have great times with well-mannered smaller dog friends.  Elmo brings joy and laughter wherever he goes.

Elmo’s adventurous spirit makes him an exciting companion for all sorts of outings. He absolutely loves car rides, and as long as he’s securely buckled in, he’s ready for any journey. His enthusiasm for new experiences is contagious, making him a great partner for those who love to explore.

Elmo is also highly trainable. He already knows how to sit on command and will come when called by his name. With a bit of consistent training, Elmo has the potential to learn even more tricks and commands, making him a well-behaved and obedient companion.  He will do really well at his obedience school lessons and will surely be head of his class.

Due to his lack of awareness of heights, Elmo needs a house with secure porch railings and a yard where he can safely play without the risk of falling. If his home has a fenced yard it must be a fully secure fence from the ground up, with no gaps or holes as he will squeeze through the tiniest gaps just to see what’s on the other side. This adventurous nature also means he’s a bit of a flight risk—not because he’s scared, but because he’s always on the lookout for the next big adventure. A securely fenced yard and vigilant supervision during outdoor activities and when opening the door to the outside world are essential to keep Elmo safe.  He will also do well in a home without a fenced yard as long as his person takes him out regularly on leash for walks and potty breaks. He cannot be trusted off leash outside a fully secure fenced enclosure.  Elmo will not be suitable for apartment living or apartment style condos as he will be prone to alert barking to noises in the hallway.  He could be ok though in a townhome style or similar adjoined living as long as there is good noise barriers.  Preference will be given to a home with a fully fenced, secure back yard as he loves being outdoors, sunning himself and sniffing at stuff.   He just wont be as happy with predominately indoor living or just leashed walks. 

Elmo’s love for toys is endless. He loves proudly trotting around the house with a newly found toy and bringing it to his family for praise. He also enjoys chewing, so it’s best to have things that are just for him, other than furniture. His playful antics are sure to keep you entertained and bring a smile to your face. Elmo needs to be crated if there is no supervision because he will get himself into trouble.  He is generally happy in his crate but will cry for attention before settling down.  You can expect that he will whine for about 10 minutes before settling in . 

Elmo is a loving, playful, and adventurous Shih Tzu who will make a wonderful addition to the right home. If you’re looking for a loyal companion who’s full of energy and ready for fun, Elmo is your guy.