

Please read our dog bios carefully to be sure that the dog you are applying for suits your family and lifestyle. At Pound Dog Rescue, we believe in the benefits of post-adoption training for our dogs and their families. This allows for continued socialization, and learning and helps to create a well-mannered and balanced dog. Post-adoption training is a requirement in our adoption process.

Flynn…our Furry little “Cuddle-bug”!!  If you can handle a vigorous cuddle then he’s your guy!!  Flynn is a friendly 7 year old Soft Coated Wheaten Terrier.   He is a medium sized low shedding dog suitable for many who have allergies.  He is approximately 40 lbs. with a solid muscular build.  His hair is a creamy colour with wisps of ginger and soft waves throughout.

Flynn spent his first 7 years in a puppy mill as a breeding dog.  He has had no exposure to “the good life” and is currently living with his foster family learning what it is like to be loved.    He has quickly learned what a treat is and quite enjoys his liver bites!  He continues to shy away from loud or unexpected noises.  Although he is cautious around new people he remains curious and his friendly nature brings him to slowly approach them for a quick sniff and a scratch.  Human love is new for Flynn and he can be unaware of personal space, sometimes believing he is a lapdog at times as he uncontrollably shows his extreme love for his people.  Although this is an amazing feeling for his people, sometimes those leg kicks and unexpected lap company can result in spilled coffees and flying phones!  Although his fosters are currently working on his manners, he will need to be continually reminded when he gets over excited and jumps up and on laps without warning.

A dream home for Flynn would include a household full of dog lovers with never ending ear and belly scratches.  He would be suitable to share a home with dog savvy children 10+.  He would be well suited to a home with one or more dogs since he shows great confidence around other animals. He will however approach those situations with caution when there are newcomers.  Although he will need active adopters to give him the exercise he needs, they must be aware that he is easily startled by loud noises and sudden movements.  His adopters will need patience while he navigates his new surroundings and gains confidence.  A busy, loud environment would not be ideal for Flynn. He isn’t a dog for city center living, but a rural home, small town, or quiet subdivision without a lot of cars, bikes, loud noises would suit him well.  Anyone planning home construction would not be a good candidate as he really needs a quiet and peaceful home.

His soft wavy hair does not have an undercoat and will need to be maintained through daily brushing.   Since he is a very low shedding dog Flynn will need to be groomed a few times a year to prevent matting and properly maintain his coat, keep him happy and healthy.     

Flynn has been vet checked, micro-chipped, neutered and vaccinated prior to adoption.  Since Flynn was not looked after as a mill dog, Flynn came to us with advanced dental disease and he required many teeth removed. His teeth were so bad that our vet team needed to break his dental into 2 sessions to clean up his entire mouth and remove diseased teeth.  He will require his new family to brush the remaining teeth to preserve those that are left.  His mouth is in great shape now though and he is feeling so much better. 

 He can be lively and very social at times.  He is a “super-cuddler” as he jockeys for position on the couch to enjoy his favorite belly rubs.  He becomes so excited about his belly rubs as he rolls around that he sometimes forgets to judge the edge of the couch and finds himself slipping off the side on to the floor.  He nestles his head on your lap, lays as close to everyone as possible, prefers to be in the middle and at times attempts to take over the entire couch. 

Although Flynn seems quite confident while he is cuddling on the couch, he can be reserved when it comes to exploring the house.  There are areas of the house that he is not comfortable exploring.  At times he needs to be coerced into venturing past the transition from wood to tile.  Adopters will need to be patient while Flynn overcomes these fears. 

Need a confidence boost?  Leave for a few hours and you will be greeted like you have been away for a week!  Flynn can hardly contain himself when he is reunited with his people.  His tiny nub of a tail and his entire backend moves uncontrollably from side to side.  He is great therapy when you have had a tough day at work!  He gives nothing but LOVE!!

Flynn loves to explore outside, he enjoys going for walks through the trails and parks. His adopted family will need to be prepared to take him for two good walks every day to give him the exercise he needs to stay healthy.  

Walking on a leash is new for Flynn.  He has adapted quite well and shows improvement every day.  In the morning, Flynn will often remind his fosters with a little nose nudge if it’s time for his walk.  He looks forward to this morning adventure and is very interested in passing dogs and people but finds groups of people a little scary.  Occasionally he will cross in front of his walking companion and needs to be reminded to stay on one side.  

Flynn is completely crate trained. His adopters may have to give him a little nudge to go into his crate as sometimes the couch seems like a better option!  This is very important to keep him safe since he is still exploring his new world. He should remain crated during the night and any time he is unsupervised.  He also enjoys both of his meals while crated.   Sometimes in the evening Flynn will use his crate as his safe space and will go in on his own and remains in there for the night.  Once he is settled he does not like to get out of bed for any last minute bathroom breaks.  He has not had any crate accidents since his first week with his fosters. 

Flynn is completely housetrained.  The new adoptive family will need to learn his ques and take him out regularly for the first week our two until he becomes familiar with the routine.   Flynn has been very quiet and has only recently vocalized.  He has barked at a visiting car pulling into the driveway and stranger walking by.   Barking for Flynn is a new thing and happens very infrequently. Although he rarely barks, he is very interested when he hears other dogs barking.  He will stop and focus if the slightest dog sound comes from the TV and will watch intently until he can no longer see the dog.  At this point, he will run down our hallway in search of the dog that ran off screen!! 

Car rides are a new experience for Flynn.  He has embraced the car ride and has realized that it is yet another way to spend time with his people.  He is quick to jump in the back of the car and settle quickly on the seat.    Sometimes he spends his time watching the roadway and other times he curls up in a ball and goes for a sleep.  He doesn’t always wish to leave the car when we arrive at our destination.  He sometimes needs to be encouraged with a treat.  Sometimes he needs to be picked up if he hops in uninvited and is determined that he belongs on the pending road trip!

Any new adopters will need to take Flynn to training classes.  This is important for him to become his best self.  The bonding during training and socialization with others will help him adjust to his new surroundings. If you have a relatively quiet home, an active lifestyle and enjoy snuggles without boundaries (!!), Flynn may be for you!