

Please read our dog bios carefully to be sure that the dog you are applying for suits your family and lifestyle. At Pound Dog Rescue, we believe in the benefits of post-adoption training for our dogs and their families. This allows for continued socialization, and learning and helps to create a well-mannered and balanced dog. Post-adoption training is a requirement in our adoption process.

Hello friends, this is Foxy. Foxy is a beautiful Collie cross who is about 6 months old. Foxy weighs about 30 pounds and is still growing. Foxy is a gorgeous red colour with white markings and the most adorable white tipped tail. With a face like this how could you not name her Foxy?! Foxy is full of affection and energy. Play, play, play, pet me, pet me, pet me is her current life moto.   Foxy came into rescue from a pound where she was with other litter mates. How these little faces didn’t get adopted is a mystery.

Foxy would do best in a home with a nice big fenced in yard for her to run around in. Foxy loves to run and needs space for this. As a herding breed Foxy can be quite vocal at times so a detached home would be best. Foxy can very loudly make it known when she is not happy in her crate or if she feels there is someone on her grass or sidewalk that should not be there. Foxy does not usually stay loud for long and can be corrected . She will not be suitable for apartment or condo living though as she can be vocal in her crate for a bit when her people are out of the home.   

Foxy loves her walks! We are still very much working on our leash manners and not barking at all dogs that we see but Foxy just loves her walks and all the great smells to explore. Foxy gets at least one decent length walk per day and then spends hours a day playing with her foster sibling. Foxy is still a puppy and being a Collie does require quite a bit of exercise to keep her out of trouble.  Foxy is full of love and everyone who meets her instantly falls for those big puppy dog eyes. Foxy is very happy to meet new people because it means more pets and attention. Foxy loves her people. She is always very close to where her people are and when she can’t see you she will find you. Foxy is very smart and will be so much fun to do obedience classes with. She will learn things very quickly! Foxy is very food motivated. She has learned to sit and will even sit when we get to a corner on our walks before crossing the street. Foxy is not a big fan of baths. Both the bather and Foxy are equally wet by the end of the bath. Foxy does however enjoy being brushed. She has a thicker coat so will need to be brushed often. She will also shed her coat making her not hypoallergenic. Foxy’s coat is very soft and when she looks at you with her puppy dog eyes while you are petting her, it is impossible not to fall in love with her. 

Foxy is doing well with her house training but there are still accidents when her subtle signals to go outside are missed. It is to be expected that she will have some accidents in her new home as she figures out her new routine and ways of telling her people she needs out. Foxy is crate trained. Foxy sleeps in her crate beside her foster’s bed. Foxy is also fed in her crate and is more than happy to run in there knowing she is going to get food. Foxy will often express her dissatisfaction with the crate when she can’t see her people. A simple verbal correction will usually settle Foxy. Foxy is not often left in her crate for an entire work day. She is usually given at least one bathroom break during the work day.   Foxy needs a family or person who is home more than away or can come home for lunch breaks.  She cannot go a whole work day in her crate.   Foxy does still have some excitement piddling. This just needs a bit of time to correct itself, Foxy is still young and so is her bladder. She is just so excited to greet people that sometimes she piddles.  

 Foxy absolutely loves car rides! She is a great travel companion. Foxy usually either sits on the floor of the back seat or on the back seat itself. She does not bark while in the car and other than her first car ride into foster care, she has not had any car sickness.

Foxy lives with another dog in her foster home. Foxy and her foster sibling get along very well. The two of them are both young and like to play and play and play. Foxy is definitely the boss though, she is a dominant female dog. Foxy would do well in a home with a young and playful male dog but they would have to be very tolerant of Foxy’s puppy play and be a submissive dog that wont care that she will be the boss.   Foxy would also do well as an only dog as she would get all the attention from her people. Foxy would certainly appreciate play dates with familiar dogs to get some of her energy out. Foxy does need proper introduction to other dogs. Having dogs run up to her to meet them would make Foxy nervous.   She won’t enjoy dog parks where dogs will rush at her, but a few dog friends that have been properly introduced would be great with her. 

Foxy has a very intact prey drive. Foxy wants to chase and herd  birds, squirrels and rabbits. A house with cats or small animals would not be recommended because of this. Foxy does well in the presence of children. She is not bothered by the noise that they make. Foxy is still a puppy and will get excited when there is excitement around her. Foxy does want to join in with the kids playing hockey in front of the house. Chasing the ball is just so hard to resist. Foxy does still jump up when she wants attention and pets so children would need to understand this. Foxy will still puppy nip when she is very excited.  Children in the home should be over the age of 7rs and understand appropriate behaviour around a puppy to not excite her and lead to nipping and jumping. 

Foxy is still very puppy and would benefit greatly from obedience training. She will be so much fun to work with as she is so smart and very food motivated. Her collie background will require more advanced training to keep her mind stimulated. Foxy does well with sit and off. We use off when she is on a surface we want her to get down from such as the couch or the bed. We are working hard on down (lay down). Come is also a work in progress. Foxy is pretty good at chewing on only her toys. She has tried a few times to chew on the baseboards but a simple correction and she stops immediately.  Like any puppy she needs constant supervision when not in her crate to ensure she isn’t up to mischief.  Foxy is very responsive to verbal corrections. She really does want to just please her people and is such a joy to have around.

Foxy has been spayed and is up to date with her vaccines. Foxy has tested positive for Lyme disease and did have Giardia for which she was treated. The Giardia has left her with a bit of a sensitive stomach with certain food so when switching her food this needs to be done very slowly. She is doing very well on her current food and loves to eat!   In regards to her Lyme disease, her  previous owner obviously didn’t have her on the preventative which would have ensured she was protected.  Lyme disease is a preventable disease that is spread by ticks.  This disease is in Southern Ontario and we are seeing more and more of it as each year passes.  We are a rescue that heartworm and lyme tests all of the dogs we take in for exactly this reason.  The good news is that Foxy is completely free of symptoms and is an otherwise healthy dog. Foxy  has been cleared to be adopted as there is no reason to hold her back.  Foxy has no need to be on medication for Lyme as she has no symptoms.   Her adoptive family just needs to be aware of her Lyme status and advise their vet of it and understand that she will test positive for Lyme’s every time she has her heartworm/lyme tests done.  She will also need to go to a family who will ensure that she is kept on tick preventative yearly so she doesn’t end up getting re-infected. 

Foxy is a very happy, active, smart and affectionate puppy. She wants to please her people and be around them at all times. Foxy loves adventures and would thrive with someone who can continue to take her on fun experiences. Foxy will excel in obedience training and needs her people to be committed to that mind stimulation. Everyone who meets Foxy falls in love with her instantly. This puppy is going to make an amazing family pet when she finds her forever people.