

Please read our dog bios carefully to be sure that the dog you are applying for suits your family and lifestyle. At Pound Dog Rescue, we believe in the benefits of post-adoption training for our dogs and their families. This allows for continued socialization, and learning and helps to create a well-mannered and balanced dog. Post-adoption training is a requirement in our adoption process.

This dapper gentleman is on the hunt for his partner in crime, his forever person or family, his adventure and snuggle buddy. Meet Gino, an approximately 18-month-old Chihuahua cross with a gorgeous blue and tan, sleek and shiny coat. He weighs around 12lbs and has a long legged, athletic buil

d. People often think Gino is older than he really is due to the white hair in his face that looks like age sprinkles here and there, but he really

 is just the youngest ‘old man’ looking guy. Although a little shy at first, this guy is so devoted, comical and adventuresome and is willing to do anything with his person. If you like the kind of dog that wants to be included in every aspect of your life possible, keep reading, because you may have just found ‘the one’. 

Gino came to us from an animal hoarding situation where he lived with well over 50 other dogs. Although the dogs were loved, they really lacked socialization and veterinary care. Gino has a couple of items lingering from his lack of care, but nothing of concern that causes him any issues or requires any treatment. First, he has a scar on his eye that shows up as a cloudy spot on his pupil. This does not affect his vision in a negative way, does not cause him any issues at all and there is nothing to be on the look out for regarding it. Second, Gino had what appeared to be some bruising of his spinal cord. When he first came into rescue, he would lose his balance regularly and had a real lack of strength in his back end. With some physio exercises, strength building and time, this has healed up. Very occasionally he may lose his balance, but it is very minor, he recovers quickly from it and it does not affect his mobility. He may always have moments of losing his footing, but it is so rare and minor it is nothing of concern.

Gino is very much a ‘people’ dog. Even though he currently lives with other dogs and generally gets along with them well, he chooses his person over them every time. He will snuggle with them, play with them, and is happy to walk with them, but his true joy comes from spending time and adventuring with his person. Gino bonds hard and fast and can get possessive of them where other dogs are concerned. It’s for this reason that he would be best suited as the only dog getting all the attention to himself. If he were to live with another dog, it would have to be one that is fine taking a back seat in the human affection department or it could be a source of conflict for them. Gino finds dogs larger than himself to be intimidating having not had exposure to them prior to rescue. His choice of a canine companion would be an independent, more submissive female dog his size or smaller, but again, as long as he has you, he doesn’t care if he has a dog companion.

Gino will require an adult only home or one with teens.  He is one that will try and dart out a door and needs everyone in his home to be fully aware of this and have the utmost responsibility to guard against him running out.   A busy home with a lot of comings and goings will be too much for him and as is the noise and activity level of children as well.   A quiet, peaceful home suits this boy best.

In the home Gino is generally well behaved and is sure to be found wherever you are…bathroom and all. He is what some might call a ‘velcro’ dog. Gino wants to be included in everything you do, as much as possible. It would be difficult for Gino to spend an entire workday alone without his people as his joy and sense of security is very much tied to their presence. We are looking for someone who is either retired or works from home so Gino doesn’t have to spend hours on end by himself. He also has a little (albeit manageable) separation anxiety that presents as some barking when you leave the home and boy can he sing the song of his people when you return. He is so overjoyed it is hard for him to contain himself. Gino will not be suitable for an attached dwelling situation as he is sure to disturb your neighbours during these periods of your coming and going. Although he is housetrained and readily goes to the bathroom outside, he is not yet sure how to signal to you that he needs to go. He is crate trained which is very helpful for those periods when you can’t watch him and being proactive with getting him outside is key. He is ridiculously smart though and as long as you are consistent with routine and supervision, he will catch onto your schedule and expectations quickly.

Outside of the home, Gino is a great walker and he rarely barks at other animals unless they encroach in his personal space or are vocally reactive themselves. If you find yourself in that situation, creating space and distracting Gino is very easy as he lives to please you. He wants to learn how to make you happy and be the dog you want him to be, but he needs you to take the lead and make sure he has space if he is feeling insecure. Aside from that, he is all about adventure and is happy to hit a trail, sit on a patio with you, visit friends and family or do a road trip. In his time in foster, Gino has traveled very well in the car, happy to curl up and sleep in his crate or on the seat where he is harnessed in for safety.

Gino was a rockstar at the vet and has been absolutely wonderful to bathe and groom. He has shown no aggression whatsoever in these situations. In fact, his vet team commented on how lovely he was to work with. Gino’s teeth are still in great shape and working on getting him used to brushing and chewing dental chews will go a long way to them staying like that. He has no dietary issues, he just needs gradual introductions to new food and treats. Gino has no health issues and is a young, strong, athletic guy with many years ahead of him.

If you are looking for that dog you can include in your life as much as possible and aren’t one content to never leave your yard or home, Gino just might be your guy. He has so much love and affection to give, he possesses that deep devotion to his people that Chihuahuas are so well known for and he has the heart, curiosity and athleticism to be your adventuring pal. Gino charms everyone he meets and he is going to steal your heart…you will be so glad that he did!