Please read our dog bios carefully to be sure that the dog you are applying for suits your family and lifestyle. At Pound Dog Rescue, we believe in the benefits of post-adoption training for our dogs and their families. This allows for continued socialization, and learning and helps to create a well-mannered and balanced dog. Post-adoption training is a requirement in our adoption process.
Please meet Hennessy – a stunning ruby Cavalier King Charles Spaniel! Hennessy is a snuggle bug of a dog – part cuddler, part waggy tail, and all love. She is 22lbs of pure love!
Hennessy is a 3 year old mill mama who was lucky to find herself in rescue. Despite her rough start to life, her sweet nature is amazing. All Hennessy seems to want is to be loved and give love in return! She wants to be part of every event going on around her and her tail tells you just how happy she is to be part of things.
Prior to entering rescue, Hennessy had never lived in a house but she didn’t let that stop her! She soon learned that couches are great soft places to nap and snuggle. She has since continued her education and learned how to walk on hardwood, how to do stairs, and that crate life is great (especially when room service arrives). Toys are her latest discovery and it is wonderful see her having enough confidence to play!
Hennessy is fostered in a home with another dog and she gets along well with her foster brother. In fact, if no human is nearby, she wants to snuggle with him and will follow him from bed to bed in attempt to find a good opportunity to curl up with him. She has learned that at some point he will give up trying to get away from her and resign himself to sharing his bed or his couch. Hennessy’s new family will need to have a tolerant dog who doesn’t mind lack of personal space if there is another dog in the home. But she would do just as well being the only dog and getting all of the attention and love herself.
Because she was not treated well in the puppy mill, Hennessy is still scared if someone moves suddenly or reaches toward her too quickly. Her family will need to work on this and build up her confidence. Hennessy has gained some confidence through training and gets excited when it is training time. Training means treats so she is all in!
Hennessy would like a detached home since she can whine loudly or rattle her crate if she feels she should be out partying with the rest of her family instead of being in her crate. She would love a home where people are home more than away as she loves to be with her people. At night Hennessy goes into her crate in the bedroom willingly and she is content and quiet until her foster family gets up in the morning and lets her out.
This girl does not yet love car rides as the motion makes her ill. With more practice and an anti nauseant, she should turn into a good traveler. She doesn’t whine or cry – she just doesn’t feel well for a while after a car ride and will throw up. After 30 minutes of being back on solid ground, she is back to herself.
Hennessy has not yet learned how to let her foster family know she needs out so she is let out regularly. This girl is learning to walk on a leash and goes out twice a day for 15 to 20 minutes – along with a few laps of the backyard in between as well as play time. She loves walking and checking out all great pee-mails left for her in the neighbourhood so she needs some gentle encouragement at times to keep moving. Hennessy still needs to work on her leash training – especially to walk at the side of her person and not cut in front for a great smell. She is a smart girl and catches onto things quickly – she has made huge strides already.
Hennessy has not been cat tested, but she seems to think every creature has the potential to be another furry friend. She has a laid back nature and has not shown any prey drive – even when her foster brother takes off to chase something. Hennessy has not been around small children since she entered foster care as we wanted her to have a quiet and calm environment. Since she is still scared of sudden movements, we want a home for her with kids who are eight years old or older or an adult only home. She needs to be in an environment with family members who respect her fears and be able to keep doors shut when she is around. Hennessey is a flight risk since she can get scared and can bolt.
Hennessy has recently had some dental work done and has a clean bill of health. She did very well during her vet visits and all people who gave her a treat were instantly friends. Spaniels are prone to ear infections due to their heavy, hanging ears, so regular ear cleaning is needed to ward off any further infections. . Any potential adopters of Hennessey will need to be well informed of the health issues that Cavaliers face in their lives and be willing to do routine check-ups and ultrasounds to monitor their heart health. We will only consider a home for Hennessey with those experienced or very knowledgeable with the Cavalier breed and committed to the heart monitoring and general medical upkeep of this breed. Cavaliers are bred to be extra sweet to make up for the many medical issues that their people need to be aware of and keep on top of to ensure their best life.
Hennessey is a loving soul and is happiest when she can be with her people. With her sweet, cuddly, quiet demeanor, and desire to be with her people, she will be a wonderful companion and partner in crime!