Please read our dog bios carefully to be sure that the dog you are applying for suits your family and lifestyle. At Pound Dog Rescue, we believe in the benefits of post-adoption training for our dogs and their families. This allows for continued socialization, and learning and helps to create a well-mannered and balanced dog. Post-adoption training is a requirement in our adoption process.
This sweet, beautiful girl is Jane! She is a Shih Tzu mix with cream and tan colouring. She is believed to be about 5 years old and she currently weighs about 12 lbs. She has soft fur, short wee legs, a long body and a tail that shows all her feelings! Please read her bio carefully to make sure you can offer this lovely girl all she needs to thrive in her forever home.
Jane is a puppy mill mama. She arrived in foster care under-weight, with terrible nails and ear infections. She is gaining weight and medication has helped her ears. With good nutrition, her skin and fur are improving too. Everything is new to Jane so she is a cautious dog. She will seek out attention, sweet talk and pats from women. She will allow herself to be picked up and is becoming more comfortable being held but it’s a work in progress; handling was very rough in the mills so she is cautious. She often feels nervous but she has never nipped. Jane was mistreated by men during her time as a papa mill mama. Due to this, she actively avoids men and quickly retreats to her crate. The men in her foster family are feeding her food and the best treats to help her associate men with good things. She is much more relaxed and excited when just the girls are around. We have seen progress and we know that with time and patience, Jane will love all of her family members. We are looking for a forever home for Jane where a woman would be her predominant care giver. If there is a man, or men, in the home they will need to be quiet, calm and gentle natured and be willing to patiently work with Jane to gain her trust. We can assure you it will happen, it just takes time and won’t happen overnight. She ha
d 5yrs of learning that men are cruel so it will take some time to unlearn that and recognize that men can be kind and trusted.
When Jane first arrived she just began her heat, and because of this cannot be spayed for 3 months, and therefore her forever family must be able to bring her back to our vet in Cambridge in order to have her spay surgery completed. She is done with her heat now. Anyone interested in Jane needs to live within an hour of Cambridge to feasibly accommodate the drop off and pick up of the spay date. She will be adopted out on a contract that mandates the return for her spay.
Jane will do best in a calm and quiet home. She has been with us for a month and she often scans the room for ‘danger’. She will sometimes hang out in the same room as us but often retreats back to her crate. Her crate is her safe space in the home. She does want to be a part of things and she will peek around corners to see what is happening. We know, given more time, Jane will be right in the middle of the action, its still early days. She absolutely wants to be a part of things, she is just learning still. Jane loves to be outside! The first time we saw her happy tail was in the backyard. We shoveled a loop for her and she does laps around the loop, on her own or chasing her furry foster brother. She would love to have a securely enclosed backyard to explore. She also enjoys her walks. She is surprisingly a speedy walker despite her little legs. She is doing very well on a leash and is not overly nervous about sounds. She walked right past a snowblower today! Despite this, her family will need to use a Martingale collar and securely hold her leash for her safety. If she got spooked, she would run; she is a flight risk, as are all mill dogs.
Jane is a good eater. She eats twice a day and she is now taking treats from all of her humans. She has been on a few car rides. It’s still a new and scary thing so she is shaky. She doesn’t get car sick and we expect she will become more relaxed with more exposure. Jane was very easy to house train! She doesn’t have accidents in the house.
Jane has endeared herself to all of her foster family, humans and canine. A favourite quirk is her big toothy smile when she is happy to see her people. It’s adorable and she gets very excited. She has checked out the dog toys but she is more interested in socks and mittens. It’s fun to see her zip by with a mitten in her mouth. Right now, she has a collection of socks in her crate.
Jane would do well with a playful dog sibling to show her the ropes of having fun and exploring. She likes other dogs and enjoys the companionship. Another dog in the home is not mandatory, but if there aren’t other dogs in the home she should have a dog friend to regularly socialize with. She will be fine with a cat in the home too . Jane would like a home without children in it. She need quiet and calm in the home and the noise and activity of children would be too much for her. Older teens would be fine as long as they are quieter natured and don’t have a lot of visiting friends. A home where young children visit regularly would not be a good fit either. She is looking for an adult only home without a lot of strangers coming and going.
Jane deserves the joys of walks, toys, treats, blankets and cozy dog beds. It has been a delight to see Jane interact in her new world. She is a sweetheart of a dog who has come a long way in a short amount of time. If you think you can help Jane continue to gain confidence and feel safe, we know she will bring smiles and laughter to your home.