

Please read our dog bios carefully to be sure that the dog you are applying for suits your family and lifestyle. At Pound Dog Rescue, we believe in the benefits of post-adoption training for our dogs and their families. This allows for continued socialization, and learning and helps to create a well-mannered and balanced dog. Post-adoption training is a requirement in our adoption process.

How can you not fall in love with this sweetheart of a puppy?  Let me introduce our foster puppy Lainey!  Her playful personality and “tell-all eyes make her irresistible.

Lainey is considered a Mini-Bulldog which is really just a Bulldog mixed with a smaller breed like a Boston Terrier.  She is 3.5mths old and red and white in colour.  Her face is red with a white stripe down her forehead and nose down to her chest.   She has little white marking on the back of her neck and shoulder, a white chest and belly, along with four white paws and the tiniest little red dot on her front right paw.  Anyone looking to adopt Lainey should do their research into the breeds and be fully aware of the medical issues that can come up with these breeds of dogs so they can be sure that they can provide her with the necessary medical attention down the road if it arises.  Lainey has received a clean bill of health from the vet, but it is always best to be prepared for the types of health concerns that could arise for this breed mix down the road.

It is difficult to know the height or weight Lainey will be as she is a mixed breed and could take on characteristics from both breeds.  We expect her to be medium size, medium energy and capable of doing most things you wish to participate in.  Since she has a pushed in nose, her new family will have to be cautious when exercising or playing in the heat as she may overheat quickly.  She is currently just over 7 kg and growing daily.

Lainey has been completely crate trained.  She spends time in her crate in the evening while everyone sleeps and anytime she is left at home for a few hours every day.  She does not complain when she is put into her crate.  She usually spends this time catching up on her sleep and resting up for the next big play session with her fosters!

She has recently found her voice and will occasionally bark while playing when she gets over excited or to remind us that she needs a little more attention.  Lainey will need lots of playtime and daily exercise when she moves on to her forever home.  The adoptive family will need to keep her active so that she grows to be happy and healthy.  She is currently gaining confidence every day to walk a little further.  She finds the traffic a little scary and can be distracted by loud trucks or cars.  

 Her favourite toy is her spikey rubber ball which she loves to chase and push along the floor with her paw and nose.  Playtime can involve many toys as she loves them all or simply a willing participant to run around the house as she chases after them.  

Lainey along with a couple of her litter mates came to us from a puppy mill as unwanted puppies.  She is a little timid when she is in a new surrounding and can be easily distracted by loud noises.  She will need to attend dog school to work on her confidence building and socialization.

We are currently working on housetraining.  Since Lainey is still very young, she will not be able to hold it for long periods of time.  She needs to be taken out on a regular basis.  She will need to be monitored throughout the day as you watch for cues until she is used to her new surroundings.  Her new family will need to take her out after every new activity, after naps, playtime, after she comes out of her crate and after eating.  As a young puppy, she doesn’t tell you when she has to go so you need to be proactive and just take her out all the time until she catches on.  

Lainey is very intelligent and highly trainable.  In a very short time she has learned to “come” and “sit” upon command.  She is working on a few other little tricks and loves to be rewarded with her liver bites.  She is food driven and patiently waits for each meal.  

An ideal home for Lainey will include a family that is home throughout the day or has the capability of coming home to take her out.  Since she is a puppy, she will require constant supervision and many bathroom breaks.  The potential adopters must be aware of the commitment involved in a puppy and prepare for non-stop action. Since she is a puppy and will nip and jump, we will only consider homes with children 8 years and older.   Although these adorable fur-babies can be fun, be ready for the everyday antics of a young puppy.  Lainey will nibble, jump and search out anything that interests her which may include your best footwear!  When not being supervised she will need to be placed in her crate to keep her safe. 

Travelling in the car is one of Lainey’s least favourite things to do.  She is very nervous in the car.  We are currently taking Lainey on short trips to help her feel more comfortable.

Anyone interested in Lainey needs to think ahead to the holiday season…are you travelling?  Having large gatherings at your home?   Then sadly this won’t be an ideal time to be bringing a new dog into the home.  But if you have a travel free holiday season and will be mostly be spending quiet days and nights at home, then this would be a great time to introduce a new dog into the home.  All new dogs need consistency and routine in the weeks and months following an adoption so we have to ask all our applicants to think ahead as to what the holidays realistically will look like before submitting an application for this puppy.

Lainey is ready to bring joy and laughter to her new forever home!  If you think you have what it takes to take on this little Sweetheart please fill out an application on our website.