

Please read our dog bios carefully to be sure that the dog you are applying for suits your family and lifestyle. At Pound Dog Rescue, we believe in the benefits of post-adoption training for our dogs and their families. This allows for continued socialization, and learning and helps to create a well-mannered and balanced dog. Post-adoption training is a requirement in our adoption process.

I invite you all to meet the sweetest cuddle bug who ever lived – Lydia.  This sweet girl is an approximately 4 months old German Short Hair Pointer mix, she is about 25lbs currently and we expect her to be a medium-large sized dog around 60lbs.  Lydia has some of the most beautiful markings I’ve seen; she has a smooth short coat, her front legs, chest, part of her back legs as well as part of her face are a beautiful white with black speckling, with the remainder of her body being sleek black, and the cutest white dipped tail that wags a mile a minute sometimes.  She has big beautiful brown eyes that look at her humans with such adoration and she will look right at you and maintain eye contact when you talk to her.  Her mouth is almost always smiling at you with her big tongue just lolling out the side, and sometimes when she sleeps her tongue sticks out the front just a bit.

Our sweet Lydia had unfortunately found herself at a pound in Southern Ontario that was reaching capacity and for reasons unknown she seemed to be getting overlooked for weeks.  Pound Dog Rescue was able to step in and bring her into foster care so that we could give Lydia a better chance at finding her perfect happily ever after!  From the moment that we pulled this sweet girl out of the pound she has been the happiest, snuggliest, most wiggle butt dog we had seen.  The car ride home was fantastic with her looking out the window and trying to snuggle in more, and once we got home she settled in with our pack almost immediately, it was as if she had always been here!  Lydia is a very easy going dog, she is happy to run around, chase and wrestle with the dogs, but also content to just sit and snuggle on the couch or chew on a good nylabone.

Lydia is currently living in a home with a big backyard for her to run around and play in, as well as lots of doggie playmates.  She has gotten along with all of the dogs from day one and I would say that she would prefer to be in a home with another dog for her to hang out and play with.  She really loves snuggling with the other dogs when she is all tuckered out from her play.  Lydia is also residing in a home with a cat, our cat is very dog savvy but Lydia seems to do well with respecting the cat.  If Lydia goes to a home with a cat it’s important to understand that their interactions must be monitored initially to ensure that both are respecting each other, and to ensure proper cohabitation for the remainder of their lives.  Lydia is living in a home with two teenagers and she loves to spend time playing with them, and of course also loves snuggling up in their laps for a good nap.  She has also had the opportunity to meet some younger children and I was amazed at how well behaved and respectful she was with them.  The kids were able to get on the ground with her, and she was happy to just sit and soak up all the love that they had to offer, as well as give some good kisses!

Lydia is almost completely housetrained, which for a dog that spent majority of her life in a kennel at the pound is pretty awesome.  She still has the odd accident, but when she is given enough opportunity to do her business outside she is more than happy to.  We always are sure to give her lots of praise every time she does her business outside so that she knows that she’s doing the right thing!  She hasn’t quite developed a way to tell us that she needs to use the bathroom, but she is a very smart girl and I’m sure that it will come in no time at all.  Lydia is also completely crate trained and LOVES her crate.  She will happily walk right in with her tail wagging so fast that you see white strikes from her tail!  We feed her all of her meals in her crate currently, which helps immensely in creating that safe place for her.  Lydia goes into her crate overnight, as well as anytime that we are gone during the day, and even if we leave her in her bed for an extra little bit after she finishes her meals, it’s no bother to her!  We will find her just curled up sleeping away, as she knows we will always come and let her out.  This girl almost never lets out a peep while she’s in her bed, sometimes if the other dogs start barking she might throw one or two in there, but she is almost always silent!  We have been working on basic house manners with Lydia, as well as starting to introduce some commands such as “sit”, “down”, and “wait”.  She is a very eager puppy and her learning is really coming along well.  It is really important that her forever family be committed to training for her to ensure she grows up to be the best version of herself that she can be!  As part of our adoption agreement here at Pound Dog, a basic obedience class is mandatory but we are looking for a home for Lydia where her family is committed to taking her through several levels of obedience and possibly even some kind of dog sport!  The Pointer in her is a working breed dog and her mind really needs the mental stimulation that comes along with advanced levels of training.  These dogs are a multipurpose hunting dog and they are extremely intelligent as well as very athletic, so doing something like agility or scent work would be very beneficial for her.  Lydia is extremely food motivated, so I have no doubt that training will be a wonderful experience for her and her family.  These breeds are also known for being very friendly, loyal and affectionate which makes them a great family pet for those outdoorsy families!

Lydia has really been working on her walking, we have been trying to work Lydia on just a martingale collar, but as she gets a bit bigger and older she is starting to want to pull more, so we will likely be switching her to a gentle leader head halter to make sure that we get her on the right track.  Lydia absolutely loves going for walks, getting to sniff all the scents, see all the sights, not to mention the people that she gets to meet!  Walks at our summer vacation home are her absolute favourite because there are always so many people to meet that can give her lots of pets.  Lydia is an excellent walker and a very adventurous girl, she would love to be able to go on lots of trail hikes!   Lydia has been on many car rides and she is a pro!  We have taken many car rides, both short and long (3.5 hours) and she has been excellent for all of them.  She will happily just curl up and sleep the entire way!  Occasionally she will lift her head up and look at you with some very sleepy eyes, but once she determines we are still on the move she will just nestle back in.

Lydia is looking for a home with a person or family who is already very outdoorsy and is looking for a companion to join them on all of their adventures!  Ideally she would like a big back yard to be able to roam around and play in, as well as another dog for her to enjoy her time with.  Lydia is a very well mannered girl and I feel like she would do well in a home with kids who are aged 8 and up, and who are well versed in proper dog play and interactions.  Lydia is a very sweet girl with a wonderful disposition, she would excel at going through advanced levels of obedience and even dog sports.  If you feel like you can give Lydia the home that she needs, then I urge you to apply now!