

Please read our dog bios carefully to be sure that the dog you are applying for suits your family and lifestyle. At Pound Dog Rescue, we believe in the benefits of post-adoption training for our dogs and their families. This allows for continued socialization, and learning and helps to create a well-mannered and balanced dog. Post-adoption training is a requirement in our adoption process.

Meet Macaroon! This amazing boy is an 11 pound neutered Morkie. (Maltese-Yorkshire Terrier cross) and is 7 months old. Macaroon has a gorgeous blond face and grey back and tail. He is short to the ground and has the most adorable droopy ears.  He is small and sweet,  like a Macaroon!

Mac came to us as a discard from a puppy mill. He seems well adjusted to life in a home despite his terrible start in life. He will need continued patience as he figures out house training. He knows what to do outside, but does have occasional accidents in the house when I misjudge the timing of letting him out. He is confident and curious which serves him well as he learns about his new world.

Macaroon would do well in most homes.  He is pretty chill for a puppy; happy to be on your lap or in his bed. He is pretty quiet except when he tries to get the other dogs to play with him.  He seems to believe that barking repeatedly in their faces will convince them to play with him. He enjoys our 1 or 2 walks per day and is pretty good on his leash.  He hardly pulls and is happy to just trot along beside you.

He has allowed me to bathe him and he was pretty good about it until I got to his face. He struggled a little bit then but was really easy to bathe. When he sits with me, I use a dog comb to comb his head, back, legs and tail. He stays calm for this attention. He has very thin and easy to comb fur. He still has a puppy coat so I’m not sure what his adult coat will be like. He will need to be groomed  regularly and will need daily brushing in between professional grooms.  He has a high maintenance coat so anyone considering Macaroon must be committed to his coat upkeep and ensuring he doesn’t get matted.   Crate training is going well. He calmly goes into his crate at night and sleeps quietly through the night. Each morning he greets me with a furiously wagging tail and lots of love and kisses. We do crate him during the day for our longer absences but have left him out for short periods and he has been great. He doesn’t mind car rides. Initially he did vomit the 1st 2 times in the car, but he is doing much better with it now. 

He loves to cuddle and is very trusting, rolling over for lots of tummy pets.

Macaroon is in a foster home with two other dogs. He easily interacts with them and has good play skills. He has been on several pack walks with up to 7 dogs and has gotten along marvelously with the pack. He is untried with cats but I don’t anticipate a problem as he is quite chill. He doesn’t  seem reactive to birds or squirrels on our walk. He is oblivious of their existence so far. 

Macaroon is still a young puppy and as such, he explores the world with his mouth. He likes to “mouth” your toes and hands, but is easily corrected with an”ah-ah”. He has a fondness for shoes but is easily distracted with an alternative chew choice. I think he would be good with a young family but supervision would be a must.  He is a very chill fellow and is on the lower energy scale for a puppy, so would also be great for an active senior.  He would do well with children over 6yrs of age who are of a gentler nature and of course always supervised around the puppy.

Obedience training will be key to ensuring the best possible life for Mac. He is learning to sit for his treat and learned his name quickly. He usually comes when I call him. I think he will be a superstar at obedience training. 

Macaroon is up to date for vaccinations. He came through his neuter surgery with flying colours. No drama for this boy. He has a clean bill of health from the vet with no concerns. 

I’ve adopted 3 of my fosters and I would definitely keep Macaroon if I wasn’t  at my household limit. I love this little guy so much. I believe he would be a great addition to any family. He is smart, funny and curious. This little snuggle muffin can’t wait to meet you and become a part of your family.