

Please read our dog bios carefully to be sure that the dog you are applying for suits your family and lifestyle. At Pound Dog Rescue, we believe in the benefits of post-adoption training for our dogs and their families. This allows for continued socialization, and learning and helps to create a well-mannered and balanced dog. Post-adoption training is a requirement in our adoption process.                                            

Are you looking for that perfect adventure buddy?  You know, that trusty sidekick who is always up for whatever and doesn’t need a reason?  Are you looking for someone to join you on walks in the rain, hikes in the hills, a running or biking partner, or someone to just share all of your adventures with?! Let me introduce you to Magna!  She is approximately 4 months old, and is a sweet little mystery mutt, though our best guess is that she is a German Shepherd and Husky mix.  We guess that Magna will be around 45-55 lbs when fully grown, so more of a medium to large sized dog.  This sweet girl has uniqueness written all over her, she has a beautiful and soft coat that is black, with some brown undertones, with some white on her forehead and under her neck, down her chest and to her belly.  Her arms and legs having some beautiful markings in black and tan with a couple little white toes!  She has that telltale curly husky tail too!  Magna as I’m sure you noticed in her photos is also bi-eyed which just adds so much more beauty to her unique features.  

Magna was picked up by the local pound after being found abandoned in a park.  From there she spent a few weeks in the pound before moving into the care of her foster family under Pound Dog Rescue.  From the moment that Magna was taken from the pound, she has been an absolute delight in our household and she has fit in seamlessly to the world around her.  Magna has been to the vet where she has been spayed, received all of her vaccinations, has been heartworm and lyme tested, microchipped and she is currently on a flea/heartworm monthly preventative.  

Magna is living in a home with many other dogs, a cat, teens and adults.  Magna has loved everyone from the moment she came into our home.  She gets along really well with the other dogs, though understands that the older dogs don’t have an interest in playing with her.  She does occasionally try to initiate play with them, but once they have let her know that they are not interested then she moves on.  Magna is a talker when it comes to playtime, she loves to be loud and yip away while having fun wrestling and playing tug with the other dogs.  Magna is a very active pup and she loves to play non-stop, but she does also know when it’s time to relax and either chew on a bone or take a nap.  When it comes to the cat it is clear to say that Magna has a prey drive and would not be suited for a home with a cat, she has shown a lot of interest in her and when given the opportunities she does like to give chase so we do not recommend any cats or other small animals being in her forever home.    Magna has loved all people that she has met so far, given that she is still a very active and young pup, we are recommending kids aged 8+ as she is still puppy nipping occasionally.  Magna would do well living as an only dog, or having another young playful male dog in the home with her.

Currently Magna has a large backyard for her to roam around in and she takes full advantage, she will often be out sniffing and hunting for things like acorns or bugs, which she loves to chew on, as well as sticks!  She also loves to run top speed from one end of the backyard to the other, especially if there is another dog to play chase with!  We recommend a fully fenced backyard for Magna so that she can be unleashed to play in the backyard.  

When it comes to housetraining, this is still a bit of a work in progress but Magna is progressing extremely well.  She does not let us know yet when she needs to go outside, however we give her frequent access to the backyard and she is very good at going to the washroom on command!  I have no doubt that she will be 100% housetrained in no time at all!  Magna is fully crate trained and she absolutely loves her crate.  Currently her crate is where she sleeps at night, where she goes during the day when no one is home, and where we feed her!  She is a very happy girl when it comes to the crate and she will happily run right in and lay down knowing that she will either get her meal or a nice tasty treat.  She is very calm and quiet in her crate and generally doesn’t even make a peep, she is also very clean in her crate and doesn’t make any messes. 

Magna has been on a few car rides during her time with us, most of them have been a short around half an hour, but some have been around 3 hours, she has done very well with all of these car rides and is generally happy to just curl up and sleep the drive away!

Magna has been going on several walks a day while in her foster home and they are one of her favourite things to do!  As I mentioned earlier, Magna would be a fantastic adventure dog.  She absolutely loves everything to do with the outdoors, and I just know that she would like to run alongside her humans while they run or bike once she is fully grown!  Magna is really great on her walks, we are starting to introduce a gentle leader head halter for her, as she has been starting to pull a bit more lately, but overall her leash and walking skills are quite good.  Magna does have a prey drive so when she sees some wildlife she definitely wants to get them!  Continued positive reinforcement on her walks and some high value treats will continue teaching her that we don’t need to chase the wildlife, we can just watch them!  Magna does get interested when other dogs are out for their walks, but keeping her attention and moving forward really works to keep her focus on you.  We have been starting to work on some basic obedience with Magna while she is with us and she is doing really well with responding to her name, “sit”, “down” and “wait”.   As part of our contracts we expect our adoptive families to go through an obedience and manners class, however I can’t stress enough the importance of taking your dog through advanced levels of obedience as it really helps build a strong bond with your dog, gives them confidence and gives them a job to do and something to work on at home.  With Magna’s breed mix I fully recommend advanced levels of obedience and we will be looking for a home for her with someone who is committed to taking her through advanced levels and possibly even some dog sports.  

Magna is an absolute sweetheart of a dog who is so full of beans with such an amazing personality.  She will provide her forever family with endless hours of entertainment and such loyalty that you can only find from a rescue dog.  Magna has so much love to give to her family, she is a very affectionate and snuggly dog.  If you are an already active individual or family and you are looking for that special someone to share your journey of life with then I suggest submitting an application now!