

Please read our dog bios carefully to be sure that the dog you are applying for suits your family and lifestyle. At Pound Dog Rescue, we believe in the benefits of post-adoption training for our dogs and their families. This allows for continued socialization, and learning and helps to create a well-mannered and balanced dog. Post-adoption training is a requirement in our adoption process.

I would like to introduce you to Malia, a 7 year old, 36 pound Cockapoo.  Malia came to me from a puppy mill still heavy with milk from her last litter.  It required several days of hot compresses on her belly to take the swelling down.  Malia’s back was bald  from the stress of overbreeding and poor nutrition.  Her fur is growing in very soft and with a slight wave unlike her face, chest and paws which are poodle soft curls.

As with many mill dogs Malia was fearful and skittish.  She had obviously never been into a house as she balked and pulled upon entering my front door.  It took her 2 days before she would enter and exit without fear.  When she entered my home for the first time Malia paced and was constantly on the move—curious, restless and skittish at sudden noise or movement.  The first time she heard the television she bolted out of the room.  She now curls up and sleeps on her bed in the den when the tv is on.  

Everything was new and frightening for Malia.  At first she lay on the hard floor in the kitchen and needed coaxing to go to a soft bed.  Now she just goes from one bed to another absolutely loving the softness.  Malia wouldn’t eat for 2 days-typical mill behaviour and then only in her kennel.  Surprisingly by week 2 she was eating in the kitchen but only when I left the room and wasn’t looking.  By week 4 she ate with me nearby.  It took Malia a long time to accept treats.  She will take one from my hand but prefers it dropped on the floor and she will scoot away and eat it.  

Malia barked and howled when I left her in her crate to go out.  She managed to escape her crate a few times so we knew that this wasn’t working for her.  We then tried an ex-pen and she has accepted it without trying to escape.  Malia now readily goes into her ex-pen during the day since I leave it open.  Probably helps that there’s a big cushy bed inside.  Malia is happiest when her person or people are with her. Malia will need a home where her humans don’t leave for long periods of time and someone is home most of the time.  A work from home, retiree or people working opposite shifts so someone is home most often would be ideal for Malia. 

Now to the best part of Malia’s story—her personality and habits.  She loves to be cuddled.  Hopefully her new home allows her on the couch.  She’s an absolute couch potato, snuggling and enjoying being petted.  Outside on my deck couch she snuggled for over an hour before I needed to move.  Malia is so quiet you never know she’s in the house until you hear the tap tap of her feet as she moves to another bed or to me for a pet. At first she was my constant shadow moving from room to room following me but that has since lessened.   Malia is a very laid back placid dog.  She isn’t very animated except when I return from being away. She gets very excited in her ex-pen until I get it open and then she gently jumps up to be cuddled and reassured.  This usually lasts about 2 minutes and then she settles down to her usual sedate self.  When she wants attention she will gently put her paws on you as you’re seated and its feather soft.  As Malia gained confidence and trust she started pushing the limits.  She attempted counter surfing a few times but rarely does that now unless you leave something out she’s interested in investigating.  She will come and usually does an automatic sit when we return from a walk and I remove her leash.  Putting on my shoes to go out for our walks can be amusing.  Malia will sometimes try to come into my lap or go between my legs.  Other times she’ll just sit and wait quietly.  

Socializing for Malia was a slow process.  At first on our walks she would shy away from people and dogs and try and hide behind me.  Gradually she went up to familiar people for a pet but was totally indifferent to other dogs and a cat she met.  After almost 2 months she would go nose to nose with a few familiar dogs.  Malia is non-reactive to another dog barking or growling.  She simply ignores them.

Outdoor noise doesn’t seem to bother her-cars, trucks, lawn mowers, thunder storms.  Malia took to walking on a leash quickly.  Only once did she pull when she spied a squirrel and wanted to chase it.  Since that time she only looks at squirrels and chipmunks and shows no interest in chasing them.  Malia loves being outdoors and we go for 4 walks a day.  She needs a long morning walk of at least half an hour to do a full bathroom.  Our walks have increased her stamina to the point that she’s capable of a 5 km hike.  Malia is very quiet in my vehicle but did get car sick twice in her early days with me.  She needs a boost to get into the vehicle but readily jumps out when the destination has been reached.  She’s been on a few hikes with my friends at local conservation areas.  Malia literally bounced down the trail on her first hike with all the new smells.  

I wasn’t sure how Malia would react to children.  On one hike we met 2 moms with children under the age of 10. They were very gentle as they petted her and Malia enjoyed herself but after a short time was eager to be on her way.  She won’t enjoy the energy or noise that comes with a family with young children.  Malia is a docile dog who will need a quiet and calm home to be happy.  A family with children over the age of 12 would be best for Malia but she’d be happy with gentle natured younger children visiting occasionally.

She has just started rolling on grass or on her bed and it’s pure joy to watch.  She showed no interest in toys but I caught her on video tossing her teddy bear and rolling with it.  Lately she’s been confident enough to expose her belly for a tummy rub.  Malia enjoys stretching in front of me so I can give her a butt rub.  

Malia has had a rough first half of her life.  I gave her the name Malia which in Hawaiian means calm and peaceful , 2 things she deserves in the second half of her life.  Malia would be best in a home with more than one adult so she doesn’t become dependent on only one person.  She loves being outdoors so a home with a fenced yard or a yard where she could be out on a tether would be great.  If you’re that special person or family looking for a gentle, sweet, loving dog please consider Malia.