

Please read our dog bios carefully to be sure that the dog you are applying for suits your family and lifestyle. At Pound Dog Rescue, we believe in the benefits of post-adoption training for our dogs and their families. This allows for continued socialization, and learning and helps to create a well-mannered and balanced dog. Post-adoption training is a requirement in our adoption process.

Meet one of the most adorable puppies EVER, Roo.  Roo is a 10 week old male Cockapoo, with is a cross between the Poodle and a Cocker Spaniel.  He is only 5 pounds right now but will reach up to 20 pounds full grown, with the cutest big floppy ears.  He has a beautiful shiny saturated reddish colour coat that feels like silk, you won’t want to put this sweet pup down.  Roo came into the care due to being discarded from an area puppy mill.  Some lucky family/persons that applies for him will be so lucky to have this boy that beams with confidence and has quite the charming personality.

These dogs have the affectionate and friendly nature of the Cocker Spaniel with the intelligence of the Poodle.  Roo’s absolute favourite thing in life is loving his people, being loved, and food and not necessarily in that order.  Roo is exactly what you would expect from a Cockapoo puppy, he is adorable, smart, friendly, playful and super affectionate.

Roo would love to be the center of attention.  He loves to be involved in your every movement, which means you have to constantly be watching your feet so you don’t step on his little paws or tail.  The best is that if you just want to put your feet up and relax, he is right there beside you or on your lap wanting to snuggle right in.  Roo has three modes: awake cute and cuddly, asleep, and pure playful puppy! 

Cockapoosare mixed breed dogs and therefore exhibit s spectrum of behaviours that are present in the breeds of their parents, however there are some behavioural characteristics that are very common that people should make note of.  First, Cockapoos have a tendency to be very social dogs that do much better with their people around and engaged with them more than not.  A Cockapoo that is left alone for long periods of time regularly can develop depression, anxiety, become obsessive about certain activities and these can result in other destructive behaviours.  They also have a tendency to be high energy dogs that need a abundance of mental and physical exercise, especially as they are growing into adulthood.  If you have a more laid-back lifestyle and are a homebody, a Cockapoo puppy will NOT likely be a great match for you.  They are very intelligent dogs, so taking them beyond basic training is highly recommended to help them live their best life.  They like to push boundaries and challenge you and many Cockapoo owners have claimed their dogs are always two to three steps ahead of them! 

I would like to make it very clear here that Roo is NOT hypoallergenic.  He is a “Cockapoo” which means he is part Cocker Spaniel, a shedding dog.  He is such a sweet boy and with his fur being so soft it’s impossible to not bury your face into him to give kisses. If you are allergic to dogs and expecting to do this without sneezing you are out of luck!  He will not be a suitable dog for allergy sufferers, sorry!  If you have the time and will to take on a big commitment, then Roo just might be the right boy for you.   

Roo is going to want that human that will be able to give him their full attention majority of the day.  He is not one that will accept being alone most of the day, he has way to much affection to give.    

Roo is exactly what you would expect of a Cockapoo, he is adorably goofy, super affectionate and so stinking sweet.  He can be a little spark ball, the warmest cuddler and all-around best companion for someone looking to share all experiences with.  Roo wakes up ready to begin YOUR day, whether it is snuggling while you have your coffee or going for a morning walk, playtime or some training.  He then will settle by napping or chewing on a bone while you get work done, this is when we will give him some crate time as well.  Expect a very happy and satisfied dog when they get the proper physical and mental exercise they need.  

Roo is very smart and a quick learner.  He is doing well with his house training, crate training and has the basic commands under him.  Roo’s new family/people will need to stay on top of his house training so he can continue with his progress.  He will have small naps in his crate during the day, but expect some fight for the first few minutes as he does have some separation anxiety that we are currently working on.  For some reason if you give him some cuddles in front of his crate before hand, he seems to settle much better. 

Roos perfect home will be one where his people are not away for long periods of the day, so if you work 8 hours out of the house he will not be a good fit.  He would love to be able to go everywhere with his new family/people and not be left behind.  

With being a smaller dog Roo does not need a large yard, a yard would be nice as he does love to help with any outside yard/garden work.  He would be fine in a semi-detached, townhouse or low rise condo/apartment.  A place where he has quick access to an area for regular potty breaks, because he does sleep 7 hours through the night and when he wakes his bladder needs to be emptied very quick.  If your residence is a high rise, it will not be a fit as he will have accidents on his way out, which will not be great for the process his is making on his house training.  

Roo could happily go to a home with children age 8 or older.  Roo still hasn’t totally learned how not to nip and though his nibbles to us as adults are quite soft, for young children it could be painful. That being said Roo would make a fantastic companion for a family with older children as he is lots of fun and has a wonderful playful energy.  Roo is in a home with two foster sibling dogs, that he gets along with.  He would do well with a home that has another dog, as long as they are young and well natured, that wouldn’t mine a spunky pup bothering them to play.  He would also be fine as the only dog in the home.  Roo has not been around cats, so it is hard to say how he would behave around a cat but likely he would be his playful self and not know how to read the cats signals.  He would need to be taught appropriate behaviour around a cat.  

Roo is doing great with his training so far, but as we all know he is just a puppy and will give your patience a workout when he gets into a lovable goofy mood and inevitably breaks rules that he knows he’s not supposed to break.  Roo’s future family/people must be calm and diligent with correcting his behaviour and giving him lots of praise when he does the right thing.  Roo LOVES making his people happy and loves being praised, will sit in front of your with a sweet face.  His favourite commands so far are ‘come’ has those flopping ears running to you so fast and ‘sit’, anything for a treat.  Even though he learns fast we want to remind potential adopters that he is very new to the world and so he needs routines, guidance and support daily.  He is a good puppy, but a puppy none the less and puppies are tiring and need constant support while they grow and navigate the world.  Having previous puppy experience would be a great asset for a potential adopter.  

Roo likes going on walks but he is just getting use to a leash and all the new sounds around him, so sometimes needs a little encouragement.  Even though he is a confident little guy we expose him to as many noises and obstacles we can.  We take him on little trail walks around are property and cottage, getting him to navigate around things, over/under things and just to explore ‘close’ on his own.  The whole time doing this we work on his recall ‘come’, and other commands.  He has the quickest run and prettiest ‘sit’ once he reaches you.  Right now, he goes on many small walks throughout the day.  Once Roo is older he will require a few longer walks, playtime, training time and just free roaming sniffing around time.  When he gets this exercise time it will help with his crate sleep as he is not a lover of crate time.  An exhausted pup is a happy pup!  

Roo is too little to be neutered before adoption so potential adopters must live within a reasonable distance (within an hour) of Cambridge as she must be returned to our vet at 6 months of age to be neutered (included in adoption cost). Adopters must be able to drop off the pup in the morning and pick up later that day for this surgery. Adopters will be responsible for the continuation of puppy vaccinations and all other required vet care at their veterinarian of choice. He will be adopted out on a contract enforcing the return for spay at our veterinarian.

Overall Roo is the epitome of what you would expect of a “Cockapoo” puppy.  He is loving, fun and super sweet.  He is clingy and curious and a companion animal through and through.  Roo is going to make a family/people VERY happy and will be a great addition to anyone with an active lifestyle who has a lot of time and love to give.  We cannot wait to see Roo in his forever home so that he can continue to give his whole heart to his people.