

Please read our dog bios carefully to be sure that the dog you are applying for suits your family and lifestyle. At Pound Dog Rescue, we believe in the benefits of post-adoption training for our dogs and their families. This allows for continued socialization, and learning and helps to create a well-mannered and balanced dog. Post-adoption training is a requirement in our adoption process.

Hi everyone! My name is Sunshine and I am an 18lb, 1 yr old Pug.   They say I am a year old, but I’ve lived through more than anyone should have by then as I was in a puppy mill. As soon as I was old enough, they made me have a litter of my own, so I became a mom at a pretty young age. Thankfully I ended up in a rescue and my life has drastically improved. 

The first few days after being rescued, I lay outside for hours with my face turned up, like a sunflower following the light. They named me Sunshine. It is strangely fitting because the bright sunlight helps me see better; my vision is not as good as it is for other dogs. I have a condition called dry eye (KCS)  and as a result have pigmentary keratitis – a layer of brown colored tissue that is covering ~75% of  both my eyes.  In need daily eye lubrication, so that is something that anyone interested in adopting my needs to be aware of and fully prepared to take on.  My medication is called Optixcare eye lube and it’s not expensive but please check with your veterinarian to get an exact price to make sure this is doable for you as I do need this for life.  

Snoozing is my favourite pastime. Like a grandpa after a big dinner, I can fall into a contented nap almost instantly; my gentle snores becoming like a white noise machine in the background. I like sleeping in my crate and I like sleeping on a soft bed; honestly I can become comfortable almost anywhere.  When I’m awake, I can be almost invisible because I move so quietly. I can be a tripping hazard so wouldn’t be a great fit for anyone with mobility issues.  If you have other small dogs, you already walk around knowing I could be a millimeter away from your feet at any time. I also don’t bark, like, ever. What sounds I do make are a complex series of grunts and snorts that I use to communicate. If I’m happy, I will snort and wiggle my curly tail. If I’m annoyed or concerned, I’ll grunt and give you a certain look. Since my eyes are so large, I can express with them in a way that makes you think I’m telepathic. I’m not, but this might be why we dogs and you humans can understand each other.

I am a generally quiet dog and fairly adaptable so I could live in pretty much any housing situation.  I just wouldn’t do well in a busy city center with too much traffic noise and hustle and bustle. I am still adjusting to life outside of a puppy mill so a quieter setting will be better for me.  I am doing well with my housetraining and need to go out a few times a day to relieve myself.  You’ll know I have to go right away if I seem to be looking for something, then do three fast circles on the spot, but best to be proactive and just take me out regularly throughout the day.  I am also crate trained and quite like my crate.  I will happily spend time in their snoozing while you are out of the home, and at night. I like to get a treat to go in my crate and a toy to entertain myself with.  I can manage stairs but wouldn’t want to have to do long flights of stairs regularly.  I am small and have a flat face so breathing is harder for me….so no super long walk ups ok?  Unless you want to carry me?? I am also a pretty good car companion.  I like to be in my crate when I travel or secured in the seat.  I just like being with my people so wherever you go, I’m game to come along too. 

I’m small, even for a pug, and I need some regular brushing and baths to keep my skin and coat in good condition. As mentioned earlier, I can nap away a good part of my day, but that said, I do get the occasional urge to play with toys and towels. I like to tug on those and give them a good shake. Sometimes I go outside in the yard and just let loose, zipping from one end to the other for a solid 20 seconds. I also enjoy walks, but since I am naturally willful, I will insist on going in a direction of my choosing. They are trying to train me to walk the way they want me to, but they’ve only just begun to learn about a pug’s most notorious trait: stubbornness.

I think my dream family would have at least one other dog. I love other dogs! Since I am seemingly incapable of aggression or territorial behavior, I am the perfect sidekick. I’ve even made friends with dogs a lot bigger and more energetic than I am. Human children are also pretty great – I would be okay with them as housemates for sure.  I would need the children in my home to be experienced with dogs and know how to treat my kindly.  I can’t take any poking around my eyes, and as I don’t see the best, I also wouldn’t enjoy a home where small children are running around me or get too excited as this will confuse me.  But a home with older children who can understand my needs and be responsible with me would be great!

If you are looking for a friend who can fit in anywhere, and are aware of the specific needs of Pugs like me, with our medical issues and breathing issues and all of that, and are willing to commit to giving me a great life of a lot of love, naps and snacks,  then I’m your girl!