

Please read our dog bios carefully to be sure that the dog you are applying for suits your family and lifestyle. At Pound Dog Rescue, we believe in the benefits of post-adoption training for our dogs and their families. This allows for continued socialization, and learning and helps to create a well-mannered and balanced dog. Post-adoption training is a requirement in our adoption process.

Let me introduce you to the sweetest gentleman, Waylon.   Waylon is an 8yr old Basset Hound and is just the loveliest boy.  Waylon is a big dog in a short and long body and weighs about 48lbs which is an ideal weight for him.  He came to us from a shelter where he ended up after his elderly owner could no longer care for him.  Waylon is now looking for a quiet, calm and loving home where he can relax, catch up on some naps, and get out for regular walks which is the highlight of his day!

Waylon came to us quite underweight and we discovered quickly that it was because his teeth were so rotten and sore that eating was painful for him.  Waylon’s mouth was so bad that he needed 2 dental surgeries to remove all the rotted teeth and get his mouth looking, feeling,  and smelling a whole lot better!! Since his dentals Waylon is eating well and has put back on the weight he was missing.  He is fit and trim and is now building up some muscle tone as well, as it was very apparent he wasn’t walked in his prior home.  Waylon is a very low key dude in the home, but out on walks he comes to life and he absolutely adores his daily jaunts.   He walks quite well on leash and doesn’t pull, but he does enjoy a brisk pace.   He is all business on his walks and doesn’t have time to linger over scents…he is a man on a mission and wants to keep going, getting in all the sniffs.  Waylon requires his person to be of a decent fitness level that longer, brisk walks are manageable.  Inside the home is a totally different story as Waylon inside is all about naps.  Waylon has claimed a chair in his foster home as “his” and inside this is where you will find him.   He is very much a snoozing on the furniture type of dog so anyone interested in Waylon will have to be ok with dog hair on the furniture and a big ol’ Basset Hound curled up on the couch or a chair.   Waylon does enjoy his comforts and a dog bed is definitely not agreeable with his tastes.  

Waylon is just the sweetest boy and he loves pets and affection.  He loves to be brushed and will sit for as long as you would like to brush him.  He loves belly rubs in particular.  He is an older boy and has lived a very sheltered life with a senior so he is used to a quiet and calm home.   Waylon will be looking for an adult only home or one with older teens for his forever home.  He is a very low key dog and doesn’t like a lot of noise, excitement or a lot of goings on around him.  He needs a peaceful and quiet home.  He is also a bit hard of hearing so doesn’t like being startled from his sleep and needs his people to respect that.  Waylon is looking for a home he can retire in and not have to worry about much.  He loves to be outside in the yard with his people and can be found snoozing on the patio furniture, or if you cant find him in the yard, look in the garden under the hostas or bushes…Waylon loves to sleep in the cool dirt under the foliage.  He has made himself a very nice sleeping spot in the garden of his foster home and he is quite happy to rest there when out in the yard.    

Waylon lives in a foster home with cats and other dogs.  He has never had an issue with the cats and essentially ignores them.  He would be fine in a home with a dog savvy cat who wouldn’t pester him.  He is also fine with the other dogs and would be ok in a home with another mature dog who won’t want to wrestle or romp.   He has the occasional zoomie in the yard (which is adorable!!!) but really isn’t a dog wanting to play or get up to goofiness.  A young dog pestering him to play will be too much for him. But a mature dog who loves to go for walks too and will otherwise let him snooze in peace would be perfectly fine.  He would also do well being the only dog in the home and getting all of the pets and brushings.  

Basset Hounds have long, pendulous ears and regular ear cleaning is needed to keep them from getting infections.  Waylon came to us with infected ears which were painful.  He doesn’t like his ears fussed with as they were painful before, so we take our time with him when cleaning them and make it more of a gentle massage, teaching him that ear cleanings are ok.   His new family will need to be aware of the needs of a Basset Hound and ensure that his ears are kept clean, and that he isn’t allowed to get overweight as this is very hard on their long backs.  Waylon is at an ideal weight now and we wouldn’t want him to get heavier.   He is a good eater, but not greedy so it is easy to keep his weight steady as long as proper portions are fed and he isn’t offered an abundance of treats.  Waylon isn’t a problem barker, in fact he rarely barks at all.  He prefers to express himself with mournful howls or soft whines when he feels he is being “unfairly” treated…like when he has to go in his crate as we are leaving the home and its not the usual schedule.   Waylon is very well crate trained and quite likes his crate…but he is also very routine and schedule driven and when he is being crated off schedule we occasionally hear some mournful howls .   He will softly whine if you are in another room that he cant get to, like the bathroom.  Best to just let him in, see what you are up to, and then he will go back to his chair, curiosity sated.  Waylon would be best for a detached home or a semi-detached with good sound barrier.  Although not a loud dog;  he is generally very quiet, if he does decide to start howling it would be problematic in an apartment or condo setting.  

Waylon is a super easy dog to live with, and an even easier dog to love.  He is house trained, crate trained and loves car rides.  He is super low key in the house and just asks for a comfy chair or couch to call his spot.  He just wants to go for a few brisk walks a day and then just wants to relax, maybe get some cuddles in, maybe a brushing or a belly rub.  He would like you to share the last bite of your meal with him, give him the occasional soft dog treat, and not mind when he slops water from the bowl.  He likes to spend time on nice days outside in the yard, especially if you are out there with him, but if you are busy inside he will snooze in the garden.  If you love hounds and in particular Basset Hounds, but were wanting a lower energy dog, then this is your guy.  Waylon is a complete love and we know you will love him as much as his foster family does.