

Please read our dog bios carefully to be sure that the dog you are applying for suits your family and lifestyle. At Pound Dog Rescue, we believe in the benefits of post-adoption training for our dogs and their families. This allows for continued socialization, and learning and helps to create a well-mannered and balanced dog. Post-adoption training is a requirement in our adoption process.

Sometimes you meet a dog and wonder to yourself, “How did you get here? What’s your story?”…and that is exactly the case with 9 year old Wilford. This handsome Maltese gent found himself in a puppy mill and made it into our care a few months ago. Part of his life over the last 9 years remains a mystery, but what a love he is, with so much life left to live.  He weighs 11lbs and is a lovely, smaller dog looking for his forever home!

It became very clear when he entered my home that Wilford is not your typical puppy mill dog. He knew how to walk on a leash, live in a house…he knew how to hop into the van and up onto the front seat to go for a car ride. Wilford knew all about lounging on a couch, going up and down stairs…heck, he was a cuddle bug extraordinaire and craved physical touch and affection, being really needy and desperate about it at points. From what we have pieced together of Wilford’s history, it appears he was purchased from a ‘breeder’ around the age of 6 months and then spent approximately 4 years as a family pet. Somehow in 2019, Wilford entered the puppy mill system. After having a life, experiencing a family, a home and the world, he was suddenly no more than a dog used for breeding, where life as he knew it was over. No more adventures, no more family or home to call his own. His life was now a loud, lonely puppy mill. Our guess is he was probably one of those dogs being given away for free, he was not neutered and someone in the mill industry scooped him up, but we will never really know. 

One thing you have to know about Wilford is that he craves a person or family to call his own very much and he is determined to live a happy, joy and love filled life. He is your shadow, he will dole out the kisses and affection every chance he gets and he will choose your lap over a dog bed any day. Wilford is not the independent sort of dog; he is looking to be someone’s constant companion who will include him in their life as much as possible. He knows what it is like to live without that now and he would prefer not to have days like that again. He does have a little separation anxiety and will let out a mournful howl if you are gone too long. He isn’t overly loud, his voice is more on the raspy side, but that should be considered if he will live in an attached dwelling situation. We will be looking for someone who is home more than not, a retired family/person or someone who works from home and doesn’t need to leave Wilford home for a whole workday on his own. You are his world, everything revolves around you, and we want him to experience the committed companionship he lost somewhere along the way. 

Although Wilford does live with other dogs and gets along with them well, he could happily live without them. If he were to have another canine companion in the home, it would have to be a kind, mature and independent sort of dog who isn’t going to pester Wilford for attention, because his eyes are going to be on you as his priority. In fact, he gets jealous if your attention is not given to him alone. I truly believe he would be happiest being the only dog who gets all the love and attention to himself. Wilford has not been cat tested, and he has shown some prey drive for small animals in the yard, but nothing over the top. He could likely live with a dog savvy cat who is kind and won’t bully or initiate a chase with him.

Wilford is crate and house trained. He does let you know he needs to go outside to the bathroom once he knows your routine and where the door is. He sleeps in his crate overnight and when I leave the home without any issue. Wilford has not attempted to chew or destroy anything in the house, but he also hasn’t been given free reign and set up to fail in that regard either.

Wilford is a healthy dog and has had a dental as well to take care of some bad teeth and dental disease in addition to the usual medical care we provide the dogs.  He is all set and ready now to join his new family.  

Wilford LOVES meeting new people and almost always rolls over for a belly rub as soon as he decides they are safe. He cannot get enough belly rubs! He has met some children but finds loud children with fast movements to be a little too much. We will be looking for a home that has children over the age of 8 who can understand respecting his boundaries and can be calm in his presence. 

Wilford is great on walks, only needing a few reminders here and there about good walking behaviour. He is not typically reactive to other dogs unless they are being blustery and obnoxious, and then he has no issue telling them to smarten up, it’s not his cup of tea. He loves sitting in a dog booster seat to watch the world go by as he accompanies you on a car ride. He adores walking in a green space and after all your daily adventures are done, his favourite thing to do is lay his head on your lap and snuggle up on the couch for the night. Oh, and if you like singing out loud just know that Wilford loves it too…he will howl and bark right alongside you, it’s the most endearing thing! 

This fabulous guy has a clean bill of health and should have plenty of years of life and love ahead of him. He is so devoted, smart, affectionate, and brave. He wants to do life with someone who wants to include him in everything they can. As far as he is concerned, the sun rises and sets on you, and we want to find him the person or family that not only finds having a constant companion a great idea but who actually means it when they say he is their forever dog, and he’s going to live a beautiful, adventurous life from here on in.