

Please read our dog bios carefully to be sure that the dog you are applying for suits your family and lifestyle. At Pound Dog Rescue, we believe in the benefits of post-adoption training for our dogs and their families. This allows for continued socialization, and learning and helps to create a well-mannered and balanced dog. Post-adoption training is a requirement in our adoption process.

Introducing this handsome boy Banks.  Banks is a 2.5 month old Husky/Collie cross, with the markings of the well known Border Collie.  His dense coat is so warm and soft, a roly poly fluff ball.  He will be a medium-large dog when full grown, and just a good looking boy.  His adult weight will be approximately 40-60 pounds but we cannot guarantee this as he is a Manitoba mix and there may be other breeds mixed into his DNA.  His colouring in mainly black and white but has some soft tan areas around his cheeks, stunning.  Just look at those cute floppy ears and his big puppy dog eyes. 

Please read up on both the Husky and Border Collie Breeds to know that he will be the right choice for you. This combination of breeds you can count on him being intelligent and athletic.  I can tell you that these trails are very prominent even now.  Banks loves his training in-between play times.  He is smart, sweet, easy going, affectionate and friendly.  So if you’re looking for a high energy, fun, loving and loyal four legged companion he may be your boy. 

Banks came to his foster family home at 7 weeks old, with another puppy.  He was from a remote northern area in Manitoba, found wandering on his own so did not have the best start in life.  He is now on top quality food, has been vet checked receiving the proper vaccines for his age and has a good bill of health.  It only took him a few weeks to feel comfortable around us and his new environment.  He is loving having another friend (pup she came with) and some older foster sibling dog and humans.   

Banks is exactly what you would expect of a Husky/Collie cross puppy, he is adorably goofy, friendly, super playful, and so sweet.  He’s a little goof ball when its play/training time and a perfect cuddler when you need that rest time.  Banks is dependent on his human company, likes to be where you are and gives a few whines if you shut the door like when you’re in the bathroom.  He would rather be in there with you.  You can expect him to be in your way when walking, turning and right up with you on the couch or laying at your feet.  Even though he is a shadow he will nap, on his own or in his crate.  

Banks is a motivated pup, he needs a great human leader to bring him to be that ideal dog everyone thinks about and wants.  This is why we are a big believer on training classes.  We require all our rescues to attend beginner and level 1 obedience/training classes.  Banks will not reach his potential if he doesn’t have daily training in his life, and what you learn in classes it will be all about receptiveness.  His favourite part of the day is when we work on his training/commands and yes, it is because he loves her reward treats.  

Since Banks is so young still we concentrate on his confidence, commands and behaviours.  We expose him to as many object, noises, obstacles we can around us.  We take him on little trail walks around are property and cottage, getting him to navigate around things, over/under things and just to explore ‘close’ on his own.  The whole time doing this we work on his recall ‘come’, which he is fantastic at.  He will lay down ‘down’, and go back up to a sit from the down position.  He is currently working on shaking a paw ‘paw’. 

With being a puppy the behaviour we are constantly working on are the nippy of the hands, which is a normal thing for puppies.  

Banks has caught on to potty training pretty quickly.  If he has an accident in the house, it’s by no means his fault.  Like all puppies he needs constant supervision and if he is not in your sight you will not pick up on his clue that he needs to go out potty.  Banks is 90% housetrained now.  Banks goes to the door and when he gets to the grass yard he runs to the end and does his #2 duty in the bushes, he likes his privacy.  Soon as he is done he comes out running like crazy and right to me cuz he knows he will get that treat for doing a good job.  When he cannot be supervised the crate is a great way to control no accidents.  

Banks will sleep in his crate overnight and during day.  He would rather sleep/nap next to you if your on the couch, but he will easily also pass out in the crate.  Crate time especially at night will be something you might have to experiment with, right now he needs some time with you by the crates side to get comfortable.  I usually stand or sit by it so he can see me and he whines for a little but eventually falls asleep. With being in a new environment may take him some time to settle.  Just stay strong! 

Banks perfect home will be one with energetic active humans who love him endlessly.  We believe he could go to a home with kids ages 8+ as long as they are well versed in appropriate play with dogs and involved in his training.   A well natured dog in the household will be fine, he might need some help understands boundaries though.  He can be a pest barking to get the attention he wants from them.  We have two family dogs, one will put him in his spot the other will tolerate him.  He will enjoy having another young dog sibling to hand and play with.  He doesn’t have cats in his foster home so can’t say how he will be, but at this age it will be more the cat to adapt then the pup.  Banks ideal situation would be one where he can be with his humans for majority of the day as he is showing a little separation anxiety.  He would love joining his humans on their day excursions trips instead of being left behind.  At his age he will not be able to be in his crate for long periods, his bladder its just not mature enough.

If both family members work a full day you will have to work a schedule where someone comes home a few times during the day to let him out and give him a little playtime or walk.  It would just not be fair for him to be cooped up all day in a crate. Your floor boards or furniture will end up being his chew toy as he will not get the adequate amount of exercise.   

With Banks breed he would need a fairly large fenced yard. Right now he has a large yard to play in, and does like to roam pretty much the whole yard.  He likes the shaded areas, since he has a thicker coat.  He is not the type of dog that wants to lay around by himself in the yard, would rather be inside with his humans.  


Right now at Banks age he gets short walks, just to expose him to noises and the leash.  He does however have lots of outside playtime, as long as it not to hot.  Once bigger Banks will need a few long walks a day.  He also will likely be a great running/biking partner.  The best dog is a dog that gets the physical and mental stimulation they need. If you are working out of the house be prepared to take him for one of those walks in the morning before being put in his crate.  Banks would love his humans/family to have a very outdoors active lifestyle. 

Banks loves to play fetch, tug, run around with stuffy’s and chew on his nylon bones.  He also can keep himself occupied with his toys on his own. 

He has been on long car rides and usually take 10-15 to calm down.  A good walk or play beforehand will help him settle quicker.

Banks has not had a chance to be social with other dogs other than the ones he is being fostered with.  He does get startled when any dogs in the neighbourhood bark, which will change in time.   

Bank is a good puppy, but a puppy none the less and puppies are tiring and need constant support while they grow and navigate the world.  Please be honest with yourself if you have the time and energy to focus on a puppy and properly train, exercise and socialize one. Puppies are a TON of work and not everyone has the schedule, or energy or time to raise a puppy properly.

Overall Banks is the epitome of what you would expect of a Husky/Collie cross puppy.  He is smart, easy going, sweet, fun, active and loyal, a companion animal through and through.  Banks is going to make a family VERY happy and will be a great addition to anyone who has a lot of time and love to give.  We cannot wait to see Banks in his forever home so that he can continue to give his whole heart to his humans.