

Please read our dog bios carefully to be sure that the dog you are applying for suits your family and lifestyle. At Pound Dog Rescue, we believe in the benefits of post-adoption training for our dogs and their families. This allows for continued socialization, and learning and helps to create a well-mannered and balanced dog. Post-adoption training is a requirement in our adoption process.

Everyone meet Bruce the Bulldog!!!

Bring on the snuggles, snorts and snoring!!

Calling all Bulldog lovers with previous Bulldog experience.  If you have the knowledge of this amazing breed and accept the financial commitment and medical woes of a Bulldog, this English Bulldog is an absolute sweetheart.  This breed is not for everyone but for us Bulldog lovers there is no breed better!  Prepare yourself for unlimited love.

 Bruce is a dilute fawn and white coloured English Bulldog. He weighs 40lbs and will likely put on a few more in the next year as he fills out. He lived his first two years as a puppy mill breeding dog.  When he arrived at the rescue a few weeks ago, he was suffering from allergy related cysts on his paws and could barely walk across the yard without dropping down in pain.  His skin was red and inflamed.  Other than his resistance to gravel areas and very short tolerance to go any distance, he did not complain.  He slept through the night right from the first day he arrived.  His one and only request was “love” right from the start.  Despite his pain, he would come to anyone who looked like they might have a good scratch and a soft pet.  After changing his food to a top quality low allergy diet and daily soaks of his sore paws, he is feeling much better.  Every day he goes just a little bit further on his walks and seems to have a new spring in his step.  He is a dog that must remain on his top quality diet as he has allergies which can be food and environmental.  

Bruce comes microchipped, neutered, and fully vaccinated. He has been vet checked.  In the future, adopters will need to monitor his right hind leg, as he has a luxating knee cap.  This is not uncommon with this breed and doesn’t cause him any issues.  It will only get stronger as he gets more exercise and strengthens his muscles. 

 Bruce loves to be on the couch with his people so he can nuzzle into your neck and snuggle in beside you.  It is hard not to giggle as he nibbles your neck with his gums, snorts a little and begins snoring beside you.  For Bruce, this is his Happy Place.   For us, we melt around this loving natured little sweetheart.

Bruce absolutely loves to be outside.  He watches any sort of action going on around him.  He is quite content to lay in the front yard, on a sidewalk or pretty much anywhere and watch people and cars go by.  He waits for people and pets to come his way in hopes of a chance meeting.  When greeting people he goes in quickly without hesitation and will concentrate mostly on the first person he meets.  Do not be disappointed when you meet him if you are not the first!  He will get as much loving as he can from his first guest until they tire of petting him and then he will quickly move on to the next until he has exhausted all of his options.  Anyone who adopts Bruce will have to be careful when he is greeting new people.  He will jump up when he firsts meets someone in attempt to get their attention.  Sometimes when he is greeting someone, if he feels they did not pet him long enough, he will gum or sometimes lightly grab their hand until the pet him again.   Although he is gentle, this can be a little scary for someone who is not comfortable with new dogs. We are working on proper greetings with him and making sure he knows that jumping up and mouthing are not appropriate but this is a work in progress.

Potential adopters will also need to be careful when introducing him to new dogs.  He is sooooo excited to meet new dogs and will attempt to approach without warning.  Since he tends to snort and make funny noises, some dogs may not be very receptive to Bruce.  A cautious slow introduction is recommended. Bruce is also a lot of dog…he will be too much for older dogs, very small dogs,  or dogs that are timid.  But he could do quite well with another very dog friendly dog who enjoys play and isn’t put off by a snorting block of a dog who can sometimes be too much and will need time outs.  He is still working on his socialization and his new family needs to be dog savvy and observant and monitor all interactions with Bruce and other dogs.   He will do well as the only dog in the home too and getting all the attention…he would love this in fact!

House training for Bruce is ongoing.  When he is watched closely he shows cues that he needs to go out and he will do his business outside.  He will need to be consistently taken out when he goes to his new home until he is comfortable with his surroundings.  As he was living in a barn only a few weeks ago it can’t be expected that he will be accident free in a new home but he do his best!

Bruce is completely crate trained.  Although he doesn’t like to go into his crate at night, he accepts this to be his sleeping quarters and a safe spot for him when he cannot be supervised.  Keeping him in his crate when he is not supervised is a must.  Since the world outside of the puppy mill  is new to him, he continues to investigate everything around him.   Some of the things he may want to get into could be harmful.  He will put anything in his mouth and Bulldogs are voracious chewers so he cannot be left to his own devices. 

Bruce would like to find a loving home suited to his specific needs.  Loads of love and previous experience with Bulldogs is a must.  Bruce will need top-notch food and specific skin care on his wrinkles and fur to maintain his health.

Bruce would be suited to a family with or without children.  The children will need to be 10+ and dog savvy.  Bruce can get easily over stimulated with the noise and energy level of younger children and doesn’t know his own strength.  Bruce would also be ok with cats and other dogs.  As discussed earlier, it would need to be a slow cautious introduction due to his unexpected snorts and noises.  Potential adopters must also commit to training classes so that Bruce can learn to become his best self as he adjusts to life outside of the mill.

Walking is an important part of the Bulldog health.  Bruce will need at least two walks a day.  His walks in the summer months will need to be in the early morning and evening to avoid the high heat of the day since Bulldogs tend to overheat easily.  Bruce chooses a shorter walk for the time being (aprox. 10 min).  We have noticed his length of walk has increased since he has been feeling better.  He spends much of his walk investigating his world and anticipating the oncoming pedestrians in hopes of a little extra affection.  Bruce is a very social dog and will follow his people all over the house.  Overall he is very quiet but has vocalized when someone new arrives.

Balls and Kongs that roll in different directions seem to captivate Bruce.  He will use his nose to push these around, chase after them.  Bruce is food driven and for this reason his adoptive family will need to monitor his food intake to make sure he is not overfed.  Maintaining a healthy weight is essential for Bruce’s long term health.  He prefers his food moist. We currently add oils to his food to help with his skin and coat .  Although he is food driven, he is very particular about his treats.  He currently rejects all of the cookies and treats with the exception of liver bites.  When he becomes “bulldog stubborn”, the best way to overcome his resistance to a command is with a liver bite!!  He soon forgets with even the smallest sniff.

When Bruce has decided he no longer wishes to partake in any activities, he will let everyone know with a full body drop.  He uses all of his body to thump straight down on his chest and flatten out his back legs like a frog. When attempting to move him along, he will sometimes get back up and continue but if he has had enough, he will roll over on his back and go limp to make it difficult to set him back up on his legs.  It is a “must see” event and has brought many giggles to his foster family as we get to know all of his little quirks.

Bruce looks forward to meeting his new family.  Please fill out an application online if you have had previous Bulldog experience and can give Bruce the loving home that he deserves.