

Please read our dog bios carefully to be sure that the dog you are applying for suits your family and lifestyle. At Pound Dog Rescue, we believe in the benefits of post-adoption training for our dogs and their families. This allows for continued socialization, and learning and helps to create a well-mannered and balanced dog. Post-adoption training is a requirement in our adoption process.

This little darling is Cecil and he is a 1yr old Pug…and maybe just the most adorable Pug you will ever meet.   Cecil weighs 17lbs of wiggles,  wrinkles,  and fun. Cecil didn’t come from good beginnings; he is the product of a puppy mill, and sadly the lack in care of breeding practices has led to him having some medical issues and special needs, but if you have a love for Pugs, and are a caring and loving person we can guarantee you that Cecil is MUCH more than his special needs and will be a true delight of a dog to share your life with.

Cecil is quite possibly the happiest little dog ever.  He runs around with a grin on his face at all times and is always looking for fun.  He loves toys of all kinds and can entertain himself quite well given a selection of toys and the space to whip them around and have a blast playing.   He is always looking for the next thing to play with and sometimes his choices aren’t appropriate (our shoes) so he has to be supervised as all puppies should be.  Cecil is very young at heart and very puppyish still and will be for a while.  He has a joy for life and loves a good time.  

Cecil is fostered with other dogs and with cats and is excellent with both.  He basically ignores the cats and is not one to give chase to a cat.  Once he gets to know a new dog he has a new best friend.   Cecil enjoys romping and wrestling with his dog buddies and generally loves to be around them.  We feel  that a home with another dog is best suited for Cecil as he really does well with a role model and companion.  His dog sibling should be small to med sized, or a very gentle larger dog, who enjoys gentle wrestling play, tug of war, and all around fun.   Cecil isn’t being fostered with children but with his gentle nature and fun loving spirit he will surely be fine in a home with kind children who aren’t gregarious.   Kids in the home would need to be old enough to understand that he will be startled if approached from behind or while sleeping as he can’t hear you coming, so he needs gentle and gradual wakings and to be approached from the front.  He also shouldn’t be lifted by children as he needs a very secure hold when carried.  So any home with children would need to be specially considered to ensure that the kids would be a good fit for our special little dog.

Cecil is a very loving dog and enjoys cuddles and a lot of affection.  When he is tired he loves nothing better than to have you pick him up onto your lap for a warm and cuddly snooze.  He will melt your heart with his little snores and sighs as he gets his rest.   He is such a sweet natured, happy and friendly dog who just loves to be loved and his foster family absolutely adores this very special little dude.  He is honestly the greatest little dog!  Cecil travels well in a crate in the car and would be a good travel companion. 

Now for his special needs…..so we discovered early on that Cecil had some vision issues and hearing issues.   Upon vet check it was discovered that he is completely deaf and he is also vision impaired. He has some vision and once he is settled into a new home you would have no idea that he was vision impaired as he gets around wonderfully.  He gets the zoomies and runs at top speed all over the main floor so his vision issues certainly aren’t slowing him down.  We have also learned how to work with his hearing loss and this doesn’t seem to affect Cecil much at all.   He also has some nerve damage in the nerves by his ears.  This causes a bit of imbalance and when lifted it throws off his equilibrium.  You just have to be certain when lifting him that you have a secure grip of him as sometimes he shifts quickly due to the balance issue and could fall if you aren’t hanging on well.  We have learned to carry him securely tucked in with a hand on his collar and he likes that secure feeling.   It took Cecil a couple days to get used to our home and yard.  Because of his deafness and vision impairment he is sensitive to textures and flooring changes etc.  He needs time to get used to his environment but literally it only took him a few days before he was running around like he owned our place.  When we first got Cecil he had no idea what grass was and that texture was intimidating for him..but we just kept putting him out with our dogs and he watched them and learned that grass was nothing to be worried about…he now putters around the yard without issue and likes to zoom around too when the mood hits him.  He also had to get used to the different floorings in our home, but again, in a matter of days he was totally comfortable.   His equilibrium issues only come into play in that he cannot manage flights of stairs.  In our home he stays on the main floor, and outside he can manage the 1 or 2 steps up onto the deck but his forever family will need to take this into account.  He would need a home without the need for him to have to manage flights of stairs, or he will need to be carried up and down stairs when required.    Cecil has some learning delays due to his issues and his new family needs to be patient with him and fully understand that he has a happy and full life and just needs some accommodations in the home. 

 We won’t be expecting his family to take him to dog school as this will be too overwhelming for him but that doesn’t mean that he can’t learn commands and tricks and his family will need to work with him on his simple training.  He isn’t one for going for walks right now, because again, he has texture issues with new environments, and needs time to get used to new environments but little walks in the neighbourhood will come in time.  Or, ideally, he would enjoy a doggie stroller to go along with the family walks and take in the smells from a safe place.   Cecil gets plenty of exercise in our home with yard time and with running around the house, playing.  He is a low energy dog and doesn’t need a lot of exercise to be happy.  Cecil also is confined to an ex pen with papers down and his bed and some toys when we are gone.  We found that being in a crate did not work for him but the ex pen does.    His family will need to accommodate this and understand that housetraining is again a long term goal.  He does very well with us and will go the bathroom outside if given time to be outside regularly throughout the day. But accidents do happen and as he is deaf,  he doesn’t respond to verbal interruptions.   He will also use the papers in his ex pen if he needs to go when you are out.  He is put in his ex pen whenever we aren’t home and at night.  We tried pee pads but found that he does better with papers as pee pads were fun for him to play with.   Something else to keep in mind is that Cecil cant hear himself and when he plays with the other dogs he likes to vocalize his enjoyment and he does so with a loud Puggie shriek that sounds like he is being killed.  After a few heart attacks of us thinking he was being tortured we have now come to realize that this is just Cecil having a great time and he cant hear himself to gauge volume!!

Cecil will require a home with a secure fenced in yard so that he can be put out to do his business.  He also needs a safe place to run and have fun in the yard.   Cecil will make you smile when he eats and drinks…if you can envision the Cookie Monster from Sesame Street eating, that is Cecil.  He dives right into the bowl and food and water go flying.  He is a messy eater and drinker but he certainly enjoys his food!! Cecil enjoys so many things in life.  He is the cutest, most darling little boy ever who will make your heart burst with love for him.  Yes, he has special needs, but he doesn’t know that and he is just out here living his best life.   Cecil doesn’t let his special needs hold him back from having fun and we can all take a lesson from this dogs positivity and optimism.  We know that not everyone will be wishing to take on a dog with special needs, but we also know that there are those super special people who will see beyond his special needs to the amazing, affectionate, happy, goofy and oh so adorable cuteness that this dog is and will be able to offer him his happily ever after.  Cecil makes us smile and laugh every day. He is such a character and is so funny!!! We adore this little guy and know that he is going to be a fantastic little dog for some lucky person or family.