

Please read our dog bios carefully to be sure that the dog you are applying for suits your family and lifestyle. At Pound Dog Rescue, we believe in the benefits of post-adoption training for our dogs and their families. This allows for continued socialization, and learning and helps to create a well-mannered and balanced dog. Post-adoption training is a requirement in our adoption process.

This little ball of joy is Gertrude and she is so excited to meet you! 

Gertrude is a black/brown brindle Pug with the softest coat, the wiggliest tail and the most beautiful brown eyes. She is 4 years old and weighs about 16lbs and is rough and tumble enough to handle whatever you throw at her. The name Gertrude means strength and this little lady is full of it! 

Gertrude was discarded from a large-scale breeding operation and we’re so glad she only had to spend 4 years there. She walked into her foster home like she owned the place and she has not looked back. She has taken everything in stride and just wants a family of her own to love and entertain. Like a lot of dogs with this past she can be a bit timid when meeting new people out on the street but if foster mom trusts you enough to let you in the house then that’s good enough for Gert – get ready for some love! 

Gertrude is a cannonball of happiness who can often be found parkouring around the house, on and off the furniture, knocking over any thing (or dog) foolish enough to wander in her path! Once she has made her rounds she is happy to curl up on the couch beside her human and snore/snort/fart the day away. She really is a simple girl with simple needs. She can get a little vocal when she gets excited or if she feels she is being left out of the fun so her new home needs to be ok with us – and have neighbors who are also ok with this. Her noise level is typical for a pug I think and not overly loud and she never drones on for long. She also comes with the normal pug noises that make her a horrible ninja – this dog is not sneaking up on anyone! She can handle stairs without an issue and although she would love a yard to patrol this is not necessary as long as there is a safe, close place for her to relieve herself. Right now she prefers to do her business while out walking but she will also use the yard in a pinch. She loves to go for her walks and is an absolute dream on the leash. She walks in a perfect heel without any specific training on this skill – she is just happy to spend the time with her person and smell all the good smells. She currently gets a few small walks a day with longer walks sprinkled in. When we’re out walking she is indifferent to any other animal – this includes dogs, cats, squirrels, rabbits or birds. Even a large dog barking at her does not get a reaction from her. She is not a dog who requires extensive amounts of exercise but she would make an excellent walking buddy for her new family. Wherever you go, she wants to go! 

It’s not an exaggeration to say that Gert has been a perfect house guest. Anytime anyone asks me how she is, my default response is ‘Gert is perfect.’ She has so many wonderful qualities that are going to bring so much joy and laughter to her new family. She wants to be involved in everything going on in the home and is happy to follow me around just in case I need her. She is a real lover of the couch and her blanket so hopefully her new family has a nice couch that they are willing to share. The minute we are together on the couch she rushes over right away to thrown herself onto my leg or my chest where she gives me a thorough sniff and then immediately sneezes in my face. Every time. Still perfect. She is a solid little dog who can sometimes be a little like a bull in a china shop but one head tilt and sweet pug smile and I guess it’s my fault for putting that garbage can right there anyway. She is so happy and excited for each and every moment that it’s impossible to have a bad day with Gert around. One of my favorite things about Gertrude is that she seems to be part herding dog as she presses her snout to my calf to help get me to the door faster! Then we get there she sometimes can’t contain her excitement and gives a quiet little AWOO WOO WOO WOO. It makes my day every time. She is very easy to handle and as a result has been easy to brush and bathe. She needed medications after her spay and also to treat ear infections and this was also easy to maneuver with her. She took to housetraining immediately and aside from an accident the night or her spay (when she was still pretty sedated) she has not had an accident in the house. She hasn’t indicated that she has to go out yet but with repetition in her new home I’m sure she can learn this. 

Gertrude took to the crate right away although it is clear she would rather be out in the home. She will go in for a treat but she is not a dog who spends time in the crate unless she has to. Right now she is crated throughout the day while I am at work with a potty break at lunch. She could continue on this schedule but she would also enjoy some company throughout the day. She sleeps in her crate at night but has tried a few naps in my bed with me and loved every minute of it. She was a natural. Around the house she is very well behaved although if she has a spare minute and there is paper product laying about she will make short work of shredding it. This is my fault of course so her new home needs to be diligent to make sure there is nothing laying about that Gert can find some mischief with. She hasn’t touched anything else – her toy of choice is a paper product! 

Overall, Gertrude took to her new life very quickly and easily although she is still a bit wary of new people, especially outside of the home. Her new family needs to be patient as she continues to learn about the world and they need to encourage her forward to help her confidence grow. One way to help Gert be her best will be to have her enrolled in training and this will be mandatory for her adopters. 

Gertrude is still adapting to riding in the car but she improves with each ride. If she gets a bit nervous she tries to get to her person so it is important to make sure she is secured in a booster seat with a seatbelt, or a crate. She also LOVES if you sing to her, especially if she is a bit nervous in the car. It’s enough of a distraction to calm her down a bit. Her favorites have been Michael Jackson’s ‘Man in the Mirror’ and ‘Africa’ by Toto. Start rehearsing now! 

Gertrude has been very polite and patient with the other dogs in the house. She does not seek them out for affection or play but has no issue with them being around her or even trying to instigate play with her. She would be fine with other like-minded dogs who respected her boundaries and she would also be ok as the only dog. I would also think she would be fine living with cats. Gertrude’s main concerns are her people so as long as she still gets all the love she needs she will continue to be tolerant. 

Gertrude also loves kids as long as they are soft and kind to her. She is a strong little dog so attention needs to be paid to be sure she is not bowling anyone over. As she is still learning about the world she will be a flight risk so any children in the home also need to be responsible enough to make sure doors are closed and Gert is not let outside alone. We’d like any children in Gertude’s home to be 10 or over for these reasons. 

Gertrude was spayed without incident and although it took a few extra days for everything to heal she is fine and back to herself now. She also had a full dental with some extractions but she is recovering well from that. We treated ear infections and are continuing to treat some yeast in her ears but everything is improving and as these are common occurrences with pugs we have not been concerned. 

Life with Gertrude has been wonderful. She really does enjoy the simple things and only asks for love and patience as she continues to be more confident in the world. Oh, a clear path for some daily parkour as she truly loves to share her happiness this way. She loves to walk, sleep, snort and wag her tail and to be lucky enough to witness these things is a true gift. Are you looking for a new pug companion to brighten your days and noisy up your life?  Do you find it difficult to get to the door and just need a little wet nose to guide you? Are your floors too clean and in need of some pug hair to add character? Gertrude is ready to provide all of this and more.

If you think you can give this sweet girl her next big adventure then please fill out an application. We’ll be waiting on the couch.