

Please read our dog bios carefully to be sure that the dog you are applying for suits your family and lifestyle. At Pound Dog Rescue, we believe in the benefits of post-adoption training for our dogs and their families. This allows for continued socialization, and learning and helps to create a well-mannered and balanced dog. Post-adoption training is a requirement in our adoption process.

Let me introduce you to Lilah. She is a 2 year old Chinese Crested small dog. At 19.4 pounds Lilah is a nice sized dog for any living situation.  Lilah is black in color with tufts of hair on her head, paws and tail, but because of her breed, she has lighter skin tone colors popping through her skin.  She is beautiful in her own way with an even more wonderful temperament and personality.

 Lilah was well cared for in a loving home but unfortunately her owner suddenly passed away. Her name was Lilah with her previous owner, therefore we decided to keep her name in order to create less confusion for her. She has adapted well with us in her new foster home. Lilah needs a home where there is an abundant amount of love, that will make her feel secure.

Lilah would do well in almost any home situation. She is calm and quiet indoors, but will sometimes let out a cough if she hears a noise. Lilah will definitely let you know if there is an intruder nearby, but quickly settles down when told to. She would do best in a townhouse or a house as she can sometimes be vocal. Lilah enjoys a few regular walks a day but she is not a dog that requires excessive running or activity.  She is not a high-energy dog and would prefer lazing around on the couch. But if it is pouring outside she is quite ok with quick trips out for potty breaks.  Lilah has been taken on walks around the neighborhood and our back yard open area, but should use a martingale collar as she will quickly bolt if she sees a squirrel. When Lilah came to us she was constantly pulling on her leash, but we have been working with her and discovered she prefers to walk on the right side and is improving tremendously. Occasionally she pulls to let you know it’s time to do her business, once done a verbal command and she comes back to the right side of your feet.

What Lilah loves best though is snuggles and body messages. She is happiest when sitting beside you on the couch and getting body messages. I’m guessing the breed loves their skin rubbed. She can’t get enough love and affection. Lilah will allow you to do anything to her if she’s told she’s a good girl, along with a skin rub. She tolerates a quick head brush and was also perfectly behaved as I gave her a bath and trimmed her nails, as she never so much as pulled a foot away. Lilah has been such a good girl during her stay with us and to top it off has been perfectly house trained, not a single accident. She is also crate trained and sleeps in her crate at night alongside my bed. When we make short trips to groceries, Lilah stays on the couch with our other dog and patiently waits for us to return. She has been an easy dog to foster and an even easier dog to love.

Lilah is good with dogs and has settled in nicely with her foster dog sibling. Lilah our toy Yorkie, tolerate each other but mostly ignore one another. We think she would do well in a home with another friendly, well-behaved male dog, but this is not a necessity for her. Lilah would do just as well being the only dog and getting all the attention to herself. Lilah is not being fostered in a home with children, and veers away from children playing in our complex, therefore we are looking for an adult only home for her.    Lilah is a little timid and shies away from loud noises and quick jerky moves, so a quiet and peaceful home is best for her.   One where children don’t visit often, and the adults or teens in the home are quieter types.

Lilah is very obedient here in her foster home and knows, “sit, in crate, down” and is being taught to shake a paw (on going).  Lilah likes to greet people by placing her front paws on your legs, but settles down when told to. Lilah’s new family should commit to continuing her obedience training to bring out the best in this smart dog.

Lilah has recently visited the vet and was comfortable being examined. She was very calm for her blood work and never even flinched. Although she is not big by no means, her body mass says she can afford to lose 2 pounds and is now on a comfortable 300 calorie a day diet. She received a clean bill of health and is ready for a great loving home.  Her previous owner did a great job with her, as she was previously spayed, micro chipped and had some dental work. She is also up to date with all her shots. You must be informed that Lilah has no body hair, therefore needs a shirt to go outside as she is prone to get sunburns and will need a warm sweater in the winter to keep her warm. She calmly sits to put her shirt on and even lifts her front paws one at a time to insert them in the leg holes. Wow! just so super smart.  We are looking for a person for family for her that is familiar with the Chines Crested breed or has done their research into this breed.  They have specific skin care requirements that anyone adopting her must be knowledgeable of and commit to so that Lilah is properly cared for.  Could Lilah be part of your family, if so she will bring you nothing but joy, love and kisses?