

Please read our dog bios carefully to be sure that the dog you are applying for suits your family and lifestyle. At Pound Dog Rescue, we believe in the benefits of post-adoption training for our dogs and their families. This allows for continued socialization, and learning and helps to create a well-mannered and balanced dog. Post-adoption training is a requirement in our adoption process.

This is Presley, a lovely cockapoo who is such a sweet and quiet guy.  Presley has just turned one and weighs about 20 pounds. He’s got wavy apricot/sandy coloured hair, beautiful light brown eyes and an adorable light brown nose. He also has a long tail which we are hearing thumping against everything when he gets excited. He has had a full vetting done and has been neutered, microchipped, dewormed, and is fully vaccinated. Presley is the gentlest guy with tall legs and big paws.

Presley came to stay with us after spending the first year of his life living in a kennel with very little human contact, and that’s the only life he had known.  He was shy and scared and needed time to just watch us from a safe place for a while before deciding we were kind people.  In the short time with us, he has already shown us that he is starting to be more confident around his people. With continued patience and exposure, Presley is becoming more and more comfortable with living in a home each day.

Presley is easily spooked by sudden movements or sounds. He is very watchful and likes to observe a situation before deciding what he’s going to do.  With lots of encouragement and praise, Presley will let us touch him and now easily comes forward so we can attach a leash to his collar without backing away. He has learned how to go up and down the few steps into our house, a major feat because it took several days just to get him to walk in and out of a door. In a few short weeks, Presley has gone from sitting as far away as possible to coming and sitting beside his people and letting us pet him.  With the encouragement of the people he trusts, he will bravely attempt new things. There are moments when he is fearful, but we have calmly and gently talked him through the situation, assuring him that he will be alright. Every little achievement has been celebrated and his new people will need to continue to draw him out of his shell and gently expose him to new things.

Presley is beginning to follow his main person around the house, and is starting to wag his tail when he knows we are talking to him. Presley has taken very quickly to females in the home. He is still nervous when the males are nearby; sadly men were not kind to him where he came from and he is now having to learn that men can be kind.  He is beginning to settle, and in a new home any males will need to be quiet and gentle in their approach to him at first.  He can go to a home with men, but they would need to realise that patience and effort would be needed to win him over.

Presley is learning to enjoy his crate.  He needs a gentle lift to go into it each time, and is rewarded with a treat as soon as he is inside. Once he is in the crate he is silent and settles down immediately. He sleeps every night there and is often crated for a full workday. When we are home and as soon as the door opens, Presley shoots out and finds somewhere else to sit. He will often pace around and explore his surroundings before finding a good vantage point to watch his people. If we are in the kitchen, Presley is comfortable going there to relax and keep a watchful eye on us from a number of favourite spots.  

Presley loves our large yard and always enjoys a good roll in the grass!  He doesn’t care if it is wet or dry, he loves it as he had never experienced grass before. Presley loves to play outside and joyfully jumps off the three steps of the deck to run around. He will get excited and show us a bit of zoomies and then stops to crouch low for us to move like we’re going to chase him.  He loves being chased and wants us to keep at it for a long time. Often it is hard to get Presley to come back inside from the yard because he loves the space so much. He does not like to be let out in the backyard alone and will look for lots of playtime with his people. Often Presley gets so carried away with his play that he rarely uses the yard to go out to do his business. His new people will need to know that he likes to go for even a short walk to do his bathroom duties. Presley has started indicating to us that he needs to go out by standing near a door, so his new people will need to be mindful of when he will need to get outside. We have had no accidents in our house since the first initial days because we have developed a good routine that suits Presley.

Our mornings start with a walk so he can get his business done, and then he likes a few other walks during the day as well. Presley loves meeting other dogs and will also pull to see squirrels and rabbits. He is keen to meet all animals on walks and excited to see people but isn’t sure about letting them touch him. Presley has not been tested with cats. Presley loves to walk and we have gone for some long walks!  He never seems to tire and can go even longer.  He’s such a young guy and needs lots of chances to get outside to use up some of his energy. At first, he was quite wild on a leash having never been on one before, but now as soon as he sees the leash in his person’s hand, he heads to the door and is ready to go. Presley currently finds it impossible to walk in a straight line because he loves to sniff and explore and he will pick up anything he sees!  He likes to feel what it is and then drops it a few paces later. Sometimes he discovers a leaf or a stick that he carries a while longer, but he never seems to want to keep anything he finds.  Continued walking on a leash and future training will help him learn to walk by a person’s side, but right now the world is just so new that he’s excited to be out exploring it!

Also, because Presley is easily startled, he is a flight risk so he needs to be leashed at all times while on walks and needs a home with a securely fenced yard.  His new people will have to be careful that he doesn’t try to get out every time a door is opened. I have taken him in the car for rides a number of times and he has always travelled in a crate. He needs to be picked up and put in, but once inside the car, he is quiet. When it’s time for him to get out, we have to make sure we have a good hold on the leash first because he jumps out as soon as the crate is open and then wants to run.  

In our home, Presley is pretty settled now.  If his people are moving around, he usually is too, but when they sit he finds a spot to settle down as well.  He is content to sit near his people rather than use a dog bed, and of course, he loves it if he’s allowed on the furniture to snuggle in close!

Presley rarely takes a treat from a person’s hand, but if another dog is doing it then Presley will as well. Presley has had a few playdates with dog friends and he is very quick to follow their lead to take a treat, to get a drink and to pee with his leg up!  Another dog in his new house is not necessary, but would be very helpful in getting Presley more socialised and confident and to just learn how to be a dog!

Presley is a low to no shedding dog, his hair is loosely wavy and so very soft. He has let us brush him and seems to enjoy it. The introduction to a good diet is helping to produce a thicker, soft coat of hair.  He will require regular grooming. 

Presley has discovered toys, and will carry them around from one room to another. He is beginning to play with humans, especially outside. He does like a chew treat and will be content to work away and chew on it for a while or will try to get a treat out of a Kong. His favourite toy to toss around right now is a plastic container and his least favourite toys are the ones that squeak!

Presley will need a couple days to decompress and get used to his new home. He will initially be jumpy and timid but within a short few days, he will be your best friend and cuddle buddy. Presley would do well in a quiet home situation.  He is calm and quiet indoors. He does occasionally bark when one of the male people walk in the room but he doesn’t bark when someone comes to the door. As mentioned, Presley would do great with another playful dog and he could watch and learn how to be a dog from him but it isn’t necessary.  He could be the only dog in his new home, but we have seen how quickly he will connect to another dog and he would like companionship and another dog to learn from. He will do best in a home with easy access to a yard. He is more active outside. Presley is being fostered with a family that includes quiet teenagers so he would do best in an adult home or a home with older, teen, empathetic children. Presley gravitates towards the females in our home, so a male in his new home would have to first give him space to get used to being around him, and then work to gain his trust. He would love to be in a home with a mature single person or couple who are looking for a dog to keep them company and to head out on hikes or be a jogging buddy. He has a very gentle nature, and a loud, and rowdy home would be too much for him.

It has been so rewarding to see Presley start to relax and settle in. In a short time, we have witnessed an incredible transformation as we’ve helped Presley begin to gain some confidence around people. Presley needs a forever home that will continue to build his confidence and give him the love that he surely deserves. Oh, and, finally, Presley does howl like a hound dog on occasion, hence the name!