

Please read our dog bios carefully to be sure that the dog you are applying for suits your family and lifestyle. At Pound Dog Rescue, we believe in the benefits of post-adoption training for our dogs and their families. This allows for continued socialization, and learning and helps to create a well-mannered and balanced dog. Post-adoption training is a requirement in our adoption process.

Hello, I want to introduce you to a very special dog.  Her name is Trixie.

Trixie is a 2-year-old Collie/Australian Shepherd mix.  Trixie is a mid-size dog and weighs about 44 lbs.  Her merle colour markings are unique and with her beautiful brown eyes she is a very striking looking dog.  Currently she is a little thin and needs to put a few pounds on.  She loves her food and treats and has already started to gain some weight.  Trixie is shy and very gentle natured with a wonderful temperament. She is a sweet dog and also quite smart.  She quickly learned to slow down for me as needed as we walk down hills and is very quick to figure out how to get treats out of her toys that hold her snacks. She is fascinated with the TV and when she hears a dog bark on a program she goes to the screen and keeps looking at it as long as she can hear the dog.

Trixie was at a rural animal control facility and was an unclaimed stray.   It appears that Trixie may have had a litter somewhat recently.  Unfortunately, Trixie was in heat when she arrived to us and her spay surgery had to be delayed. Trixie can’t be spayed until October but we didn’t want to hold her back from starting her life with her forever family.  She will be adopted out on a contract which will require her family to return her to our vet in Cambridge to be spayed.  This appointment will be made in consultation with her family but has to be done at our vet.  Anyone interested in Trixie must live within 45min or so of Cambridge to make this return for a spay feasible.  

Trixie would do best in a home with a fenced yard rather than an apartment/unfenced setting. She is a quiet dog and very rarely barks.  She would like her home to be in a rural area, or a small town or quiet subdivision.  She is a gentle and quiet dog who prefers peace and quiet over busy areas with a lot of traffic noise and people.  Trixie is a low energy dog and is happy to just lounge around wherever you are sitting. She is a good walker and walks very well on the leash but really is just as happy being able to lie out on the grass or playing indoors with her toys.  She does her business first thing in the morning but has long holding power before she does her business again despite lots of walks. I think this would change in a fenced setting and she would go more frequently.  She had a few accidents initially but we now have a walk schedule worked out.  She has never had an accident in her crate.  Her new family will have to work with Trixie to get her to signal when she wants to go out, we are still working on that.

Trixie has not had a lot of human nurturing and is just learning to trust people and feel safe.  She is shy to come to you but once she does, Trixie quickly has decided she likes attention and to be petted.  She is more hesitant with males and it may take a bit more work for her to warm up to men but it is so rewarding when she shows you that she trusts you and comes to you for pets. It is a joy to have her nuzzle her head up against you and lay at your feet. Trixie is not frightened of thunder, lightning, appliances running or vehicle noises. The crate is her happy place and she is content to spend time in it and will go there if she is nervous.  Sudden quick movements sometime make her anxious but it passes very quickly. She is shy when people come to visit and it takes her a bit of time to warm up to company but she has certainly gotten quicker about introducing herself to visitors, having your guests give Trixie treats will help with this process.  On a walk she is happy to stop while I chat with the neighbours but is nervous to have them pet her.  She is interested in other dogs and wags her tail and sniffs at them but has not had an opportunity to play in a yard with them.  She had been introduced to cats at the shelter she was at and had no issue with them.  We have not yet been introduced to any cats.  She shows an interest in chasing rabbits or squirrels though.

Trixie gentle nature indicates that she would be good with older children and she responded very quickly to a teenager who visited and wanted to pet her. As she is timid, older children  (over 10yrs of age) would be the best fit as they are not as likely to suddenly overwhelm her with sudden unexpected movements. An adult only home that is quiet and calm would be her best fit, but a home with gentle natured teens would also do well for her.  Trixie does not enjoy car rides and gets nauseous after about 30 minutes.  She probably wouldn’t be up for long rides although perhaps medication could help with this process.  More short rides in the car will help her tolerate rides better over time.

Trixie likes being in the same room as you and just relaxing.  She is crate trained and sleeps in her crate all night and when we are away from home. Trixie is super food attentive and will be responsive to treat based training.  The adoption requirement for obedience training will be a huge benefit for her as prior to coming to Pound Dog Rescue she never had any training and this will advance her skills and bring out the best in her.  She is just learning commands and she responds to “come” and “crate”.  Trixie is a great walker, staying by your side, rarely pulling.  She is well mannered and does not jump on furniture or people which is so nice.  She really is a lovely dog to live with and causes little trouble at all.   Someone is going to get a really nice forever pet with this wonderful dog!

Trixie was very good at her visit to the Vet and doesn’t take any daily medications. Trixie’s has had her required vaccinations, heartworm test (clear), been microchipped and is in excellent health.  

Trixie’s forever family will need to be patient to help her get over her shyness and will need to invest in taking time to train her and teach her more commands.  With her gentle nature and affection to share, Trixie will make an ideal and loving long-term companion.