

Please read our dog bios carefully to be sure that the dog you are applying for suits your family and lifestyle. At Pound Dog Rescue, we believe in the benefits of post-adoption training for our dogs and their families. This allows for continued socialization, and learning and helps to create a well-mannered and balanced dog. Post-adoption training is a requirement in our adoption process.

Yvette is an absolutely beautiful 4 year old cocker spaniel who is about 30 pounds and has curly strawberry blonde hair. Yvette’s adorable looks are matched by her wonderfully loving and affectionate nature. Yvette has a wiggly little nub of a tail that swishes back and forth with such speed it is impressive. Yvette is a very sweet dog who loves getting head rubs, rolling in the backyard, and being close by her favourite humans!

During Yvette’s first 4 years of her life, she was used for profit as a breeding dog and was not given the attention or affection she so craves. Due to the neglect and abuse she has faced she is a bit skittish and she sometimes retreats from overwhelming situations. Yvette gets a little nervous around loud and sudden noises. But this absolute sweetheart of a dog is ready to move forward and find her forever family and truly thrive!

Yvette is such a loving and sweet girl who adores gentle people, kindness, and affection. Yvette has enough energy to play in the yard and go for walks, but also settles and relaxes well inside the home. During the day when her foster mum works from home she finds her way to her bed and will stay stationed there until it’s time to get up. If she’s not on her bed, Yvette is a snuggler who likes to have head pets and put her fluffy front paws on you while you make a fuss of her. 

Yvette is housetrained and learned how to do her business outside so quickly! Yvette holds her bladder easily overnight and up to 6 hours during the day. She has never had an accident in our home and learned to signal to take herself outside to the yard within days of her arrival. She loves being able to run out into our backyard by herself and will go out to patrol for birds and roll in the grass often! In fact, being outside in the yard might just be her favourite thing other than being curled up next to her humans. She loves everything about being outside and will often take herself out and hop up on our patio couch and just enjoy the fresh air! Yvette does like walks, but she is happiest running around her private fully fenced backyard, and her ideal forever home will have one as well. 

Yvette likes to wake the whole family up with the sun rise to start her day. She’s just excited and wants to show us how fast her tail can wiggle and get a few ear scritches. She starts her mornings by bounding down the stairs and running right to be backdoor to ask to go outside. She waits patiently with her whole bottom half wiggling while we open the door. She runs outside and rolls in the grass with joy and goes to the bathroom before coming back in for breakfast. 

Yvette really enjoys her walks, and sometimes her cocker spaniel nose does get carried away and she pulls a bit. When she starts pulling we check in with her and say “wait” she does calm down… until another good smell catches her nose! She isn’t too forceful with the pulling, she just likes a quicker paced walk rather than a slow sniffari adventure. Yvette does get frightened by loud noise and traffic at times and she is walked on a secure martingale collar for her comfort and safety. 

Yvette has 2 foster dog siblings in her home and gets along very well with them! In fact, our resident dog decided on day one that Yvette was a good friend and they’ve been buds ever since. Occasionally, Yvette can be a bit of a bulldozer to her foster siblings when she does not mean to be. She just likes to be part of the action in her foster home! In her ideal adoptive home she could either be the only dog, or would happily have a friendly dog around her size for companionship. Though Yvette can be a bit clumsy around other dogs, she does listen to her foster siblings requests for space and will leave her dog friends alone when needed. She also reads her dog siblings personalities well, and learned that her senior blind sibling likes more space than her younger, more playful foster sibling. 

Yvette is an observant girl. Often, she hangs back and watches what is going on in the home and then participates once she knows what is expected of her. She quickly learned what dog bed was meant for her, how to ask to be let outside, and how to get up and down the stairs by herself! She is happy go lucky but her brain is constantly evaluating the situations she’s in to figure out how she should behave! 

Yvette has not been cat tested but would likely do fine with a dog savvy cat in the home. Yvette loves to play chase, so a cat who runs from her would be exciting and she would likely annoy a feline companion who isn’t interested in dog company! But with her good nature she’d be happy to have more family members regardless of species. 

As Yvette is still skittish due to her past life, and gets frightened in some new situations and with loud noises. She would do best if everyone in her forever home was at least teenaged. Yvette is friendly but loud noises and people coming on too strong can be scary for her. It’s crucial that everyone in her forever home knows that she is a flight risk when frightened so they must remember to keep gates and doors closed, and to never have her in an open space without a secure leash attached to a properly fitted martingale collar. In general Yvette loves people, but she does like to be the one who approaches. She gravitates to her foster mum more than her foster dad but does love him, especially when he’s providing head rubs. A home slightly on the quieter side would be ideal for this girl as she adapts to being a part of a loving family!

Regarding home type, Yvette does struggle with separation anxiety and can be a barker when left alone. A detached home would be best for her so you don’t get any noise complaints. Yvette would rather be in a more rural area as busy traffic can be a bit overwhelming for her and interrupts her walks! She doesn’t need to be in the middle of nowhere, but a downtown core would be too much for her. Overnight Yvette sleeps in her crate happily, and hangs out in it when her foster family is home. When left alone she does struggle and barks and barks. Unfortunately, Yvette cannot be left with blankets in her crate as she has chewed the blankets up when she’s panicked and has previously eaten some fabric. It takes her time but she settles on and off and does not try to break free. She would definitely love a home with someone who is retired, works from home, or any home with someone around most of the day. This isn’t to say you’ll never be able to leave your house again, she is fine when we leave, she just really wants to be with people more often than not. 

Yvette travels well in the car. She does try to climb into passengers laps so we do seatbelt her in for her safety and security! Yvette just loves to be included in everything! She is a sweet girl who would like to be an active participant in her adoptive family’s lives! Sometimes when she arrives at her destination she does get a bit overwhelmed but with encouragement and patience she will start exploring!

Yvette came into rescue a bit of yeast overgrowth in both her ears, mats in her fur, and she needed to be spayed! Her ears have been treated, but will need ongoing maintenance due to her big, floppy, cocker spaniel ears. Yvette is a smaller dog who faced a great deal of neglect in her diet and care and she will need a dental surgery at some point in the next year. As this is not an emergency situation, we are adopting Yvette out knowing this in order to get her settled into her forever home before she has to go through this surgery. 

Yvette’s is a lovely and sweet dog. Even if you just make eye contact with her, little tail nub starts wiggling with so much love and joy. We often tell her “Yvette you are absolutely precious” and that gets her tail wiggling and it’s almost like she understands what we are saying. Her ideal family is one that never holds back any love and always treats her kindly! She loves gentle encouragement and being fussed over. Yvette is ready to find the forever home she’s been waiting for!