Please read our dog bios carefully to be sure that the dog you are applying for suits your family and lifestyle. At Pound Dog Rescue, we believe in the benefits of post-adoption training for our dogs and their families. This allows for continued socialization, and learning and helps to create a well-mannered and balanced dog. Post-adoption training is a requirement in our adoption process.
Just before Christmas, this darling girl was living life in a puppy mill with no idea how life could be outside of a barn. She had a circular wound on her right hip and that combined with the most angelic face was the inspiration for her name. Folks, meet Halo, a lovely Bichon who is just over 2 years old and weighs just under 12lbs. She is on the smaller side for a Bichon but is solidly built…she’s a compact and athletic little girl. Halo is such an endearing, quirky little girl who is now ready to find her forever family, the people that will never let her down and show her how wonderful life in this great big world can be. Before you fall for this adorable face, please read her bio to make sure you have the type of home that will allow Halo to thrive and become the awesome adventure buddy she is destined to be.
In many ways, Halo has adjusted to life outside of a puppy mill really well and in others, her family needs to know this is going to be marathon and not a sprint. She has really taken to life in a house and especially loves the comfort of snuggling up beside you while you watch a movie or take an afternoon nap, and if it is in your bed, all the better! She will follow you around the house and wants to be near where you are but doesn’t demand physical affection from you at this point. In fact, this is one of the areas that is going to take her a bit longer with her family. People weren’t kind to her in the puppy mill, hands didn’t bring loving and good things, so she tends to want to have physical affection on her terms. She shies away often if you reach for her, but if you give her the time and space to check you out, you will see her tentatively approach you for some gentle touches. After a few minutes of that, she may even crawl up in your lap to snuggle in. There are days she is more brave than others, so her family needs to be ok with letting Halo progress at her pace. If you do that and allow her to build trust in you, you’ll find she is the most darling little girl who only wants to be loved and give love in return.
Halo currently lives in a home with three adults and multiple dogs and gets long well with everyone. She leans towards women over men but is not terribly afraid of men. She takes her time getting to know all humans pretty much equally. Dogs however, are where she finds her comfort and bravery. Halo is learning about the world by observing and modeling after the other dogs in the home and they have been instrumental in her growth so far. She does prefer the company of smaller dogs as she finds larger ones to be more intimidating. Halo thrives with their companionship, and we will be looking for a home for her where there is another well mannered, calm, small to medium sized dog that can help her continue to learn and trust in the world and the people in it. Halo will not be suited to a home with young children as she can find the energy and volume of young kids to be too much for her. She would do fine in a home with teens who can appreciate the shy and sensitive girl that she can be and interact with her accordingly.
In the home, Halo is a quiet guest who rarely makes a peep. The only time we have heard her loudly bark is when she is in her crate and is signalling that she needs to go out to the bathroom. She will whine and do a quieter bark when you return home from leaving the house, but that is short lived and is her way of expressing her excitement at your return. She is housetrained but does not yet know how to signal that she needs to go outside, so you will need to be proactive with getting her out to the bathroom. Once outdoors, she goes to the bathroom quickly…unless of course it is -25 and frigid, in which case bundle up, because she will take her time finding just the right spot out of the wind to go. She would be best suited to a detached home with easy access to the outdoors to help solidify her bathroom schedule in your home. Trips down elevators or flights of stairs could result in accidents along the way.
Speaking of the outdoors, this is where Halo comes alive! She absolutely LOVES having a fully fenced yard to explore. This is where you see her comical, adventurous spirit emerge. Halo becomes so curious about checking out all the sights, sounds and smells and LOVES when you join in with her. She gets so excited to have you walk the yard with her, and she will try to get you to chase her. Turn and run in the other direction, and she will be quick to follow. If you go indoors without her, she will come running to the door to entice you back outside again. And snow…she ADORES the snow! The first snowfall she experienced resulted in her running around chasing snowflakes, plowing her face into the snow like a shovel and coming up with a full snow beard. She walks very well on a leash and although she can still startle at sudden movements and unexpected sounds, she recovers quickly with curiosity and an eagerness to keep going. On a winter trail walk with her, Halo was so animated and excited by all that she saw and smelled, you can see that by this time next year she is going to be someone’s best portable adventure buddy. She wants to see the world with you, she just needs some patience as she builds her confidence. We really want to see Halo in a home that is going to tap into this adventurous and curious spirit of hers and help open up the world for her. It would be sad to see her as a dog that never left the yard or her small walking route, she is capable of so much more and thrives with the opportunities given to her to explore.
Halo is discovering toys and doesn’t yet fully understand them, but she really likes to explore with her mouth! She loves to sneakily chew and steal little items, so you do have to keep an eye on her to make sure she is chewing appropriate things. It’s very easy to redirect her to something suitable to chew on as she has shown no sign of resource guarding at all. We simply trade off items she shouldn’t have with a treat and then deliver something to her that she can chew on…easy peasy. If you can’t keep an eye on her, she is fully crate trained and quite content to chew a dental treat or lick treats out of a Kong while you are busy.
One quirky behaviour Halo has is doing a quiet growl when she is unsure of something, whether it be a person or a thing, but it should be noted there is no aggression or intent behind it. This is merely her vocalizing insecurity and trying to communicate with you how she feels. She has not once shown any signs of progressing beyond that, no biting, no charging, no snarling. Halo is a sweet and gentle girl and all she is trying to do is let you know she’s lacking confidence at that moment.
This curly girlie has been a wonderful foster dog and one that is easy to fall in love with. We’ve loved watching her personality emerge, we find her quirks and her desire to trust and love to be so endearing. She can be so funny, mischievous and spirited, and then be so happy to snooze in a blanket beside you, staying as long as you’d like her to. Although she doesn’t demand physical affection, she wants to be near you and part of the family. Take her on a trail walk and watch her come alive! If you think you have the lifestyle and home that will help Halo continue to gain confidence and grow into the brave explorer that we know she is destined to be, please drop us a line…we’d love to talk to you!