

Please read our dog bios carefully to be sure that the dog you are applying for suits your family and lifestyle. At Pound Dog Rescue, we believe in the benefits of post-adoption training for our dogs and their families. This allows for continued socialization, and learning and helps to create a well-mannered and balanced dog. Post-adoption training is a requirement in our adoption process.

We have a pretty calm, cool and collected pug for you! 

Meet Thelma, she is a 7yr old fawn coloured mill momma who came to us in the middle of August and weighed in at 8.6kg Thelma has been with us for 7 1/2  weeks now at time of writing. Even though she had been confined to a barn and only knew having babies, we can just tell that she would have been such a great momma to all those pups. She was very timid and shy in the beginning with everyone except other dogs!  Thelma has come a very long way outside that barn and has opened up greatly to receiving love, cuddles and snuggles like she deserves. Now that she’s had time to decompress and realize that there is a whole other world out there for her to explore, her personality is starting to shine. Thelma is a gentle old soul who is finally learning how to be a dog. A quiet home, lots of love, a soft bed, toys and treats, walking on a leash, and meeting people are all new things for Thelma. The progress she has made in the last 7 1/2 weeks has been so rewarding and heartwarming to see, and we can’t wait for Thelma to continue her successes at her forever home.

Thelma puts such a smile on our faces for many different reasons. Her tongue rarely goes back in her mouth and it just makes her look that much cuter, besides making her snort a little louder (especially after exercise) it looks like she’s sticking her tongue out at us constantly even when sleeping! She has all the typical pug markings and her tail is up and curled now most of the time at home and boy can she wag it when she wakes up in the mornings, when she’s being playful or even just sometimes when you call her name! Her confidence has grown so much when at home but she is still unsure when going on walks , her tail will be down, she might shake a little bit and she’s definitely on a mission but all these things have improved greatly since she first came here to her foster home and we’re sure will continue to improve the more confident she gets in her furever home!

When Thelma wakes up in the morning and we get her out of her crate she can’t wait for her morning pets and chin/face rubs, it’s so amazing to see her so excited to want to be loved and cared for by other humans. Then she loves to take off and have her morning zoomies up and down the hall which you can’t help but giggle at! Thelma has a habit of not wanting to go outside right away in the mornings to go to the bathroom ,so taking her outside yourself is probably going to be the best option right now until the adopters can decide how they would like to get her to let them know she wants out! We’ve had her most of the summer months and our screen door has been open , so willingly Thelma would go out to do her stuff and come back in! She had a few accidents in the beginning when she came to us only because it was all new to her but has had none for quite a while now! After Thelma has done her morning zoomies, done her business and got some lovin’ from her humans she is happy to go back to her big comfy dog bed or crate and have a nap, Thelma really is a pretty chill low energy pug!!

As far as eating goes, Thelma eats once a day and it’s kibble softened with water and mixed with canned food. She has had some dental work done (7 teeth extracted), at first it was difficult for thelma to eat but she has figured it out and is eating fine now! Having bad teeth before surgery did not stop Thelma from eating or wanting treats and we can happily say her palette for treats has expanded from just freeze dried liver, beef and chicken to eating just about whatever you want to give her now (especially cheese) but preferably in smaller pieces!

Thelma also has more restricted airway than most pugs and it’s something that future adopters may want to take into consideration, the vet has said that doing a surgery to open her airways at this time was not necessary but if she worsens it may need done in the future!

Future adopters should also know that Thelma has what is called dry eye and will need eye lubrication 2x’s a day for life, the medicine is called Optixcare and is not expensive but you may want to check with your vet just to clarify the cost! It’s not her favorite thing to have done either but she needs it, so if you wrap her up like a burrito in a blanket one person can hold her and the other can do the lubricant that way it’ll go much smoother!

Thelma has just started to play with some toys like some small balls that you can hide treats in, a few bones she has started to chew on like yak bones & beef bones but mo

stly Thelma just likes to chill either in her bed or with her humans, she’s famous for coming up behind you and giving your leg a tiny lick (I think to let you know she’s there) or sometimes just coming and standing in between your legs! She will snuggle with you on the couch while you watch T.V or lay with you in bed while you nap or she will stay there all night if you let her! Thelma does like her crate and has never protested ab

out going in and has lots of times gone in on her own during the day to nap in instead of her dog bed, so if you think you may have misplaced Thelma lol, first place to look in is her crate!All in all Thelma is a really cool pug that started out as a scared ,timid wee girl that has blossomed into a lady with such a cute personality, who just wants to be loved by her human family. She will make someone an amazing companion/snuggle bug forsure!

Her ideal home should not have kids of young ages so she can just chill after 7 years of having litter after litter, it’s Thelma’s time to relax now and enjoy life in a nice quiet environment. Having a fenced yard is a must as she likes to go outside and lounge in the sunshine on the deck!

Other dogs are fine for Thelma as she now lives with another foster pug and her big brother Riley (8 yr old Berner/Golden X). Having carpeted or very few stairs would also be good for Thelma as she only does our outdoor stairs on the patio (our indoor stairs are not carpeted and she will not go down them ).

An ideal adopter for Thelma would also be someone or a couple that wants a lapdog, someone who isn’t highly active! Thelma will not require extensive exercise. Short walks and some backyard play is usually enough excitement for Thelma, then it’s time to hit the comfy couch again! Talk about a dog that likes to “Netflix & Chill”.

If you are looking at adopting Thelma, she will honestly become your best friend and want to be with you most of the time but is ok to be by herself too!

You won’t regret being loved back by this lady, she has so much to give now that she is free from the mill and able LOVE!