Please read our dog bios carefully to be sure that the dog you are applying for suits your family and lifestyle. At Pound Dog Rescue, we believe in the benefits of post-adoption training for our dogs and their families. This allows for continued socialization, and learning and helps to create a well-mannered and balanced dog. Post-adoption training is a requirement in our adoption process.
I’m so happy to introduce you to this little firecracker, this is Thora!
Thora is a 9-year-old Chihuahua with a soft black and tan coat and a tail that will not quit! This happy girl has big, expressive eyes and a playful nature that brightens every day. We’ve been working to help her shed some weight and at 8lbs now she still has a little way to go. She is easily portable and 100% ready for whatever adventures her new family has planned. Just get out of her way because she boots around the house like a puppy!
Thora was surrendered to a shelter through no fault of her own. Her previous owners were dealing with illnesses and could no longer give her the time and attention that she needed. We are thankful that Pound Dog Rescue was able to step in and get her out of the shelter as quickly as possible and she has been an ideal houseguest ever since. She has a few quirks and is a bit nervous of quick movements but she has already made huge strides in the short time she has been with me. Thora is looking for a forever family who can keep showing her how great her new life will be, treating her with patience and understanding.
Thora likes to bark when new people come or go and otherwise she is pretty quiet so she would be fine for any type of home environment. She would love a yard to patrol and have quick bathroom breaks but she would be ok in an apartment as long as there is a safe outdoor space nearby for her to do her business. She can do the small staircase up to the couch but she has not been able to handle a full flight of stairs. She would still be fine in a house with stairs because she is easy to pick up and move around – even easier as she continues to shed her extra weight! Thora is my constant companion in the home, following me from room to room, task to task. She’s hoping her new family needs the same kind of supervision because it’s her specialty. She loves to get outside on the leash and go for small walks around the neighborhood but she is not the kind of dog who needs tons of physical exercise. She is also happy to play in the house to expend some of her puppy-like energy.
One of my favorite things about Thora is her devotion to being a full-time lap dog. The minute I sit still on the couch she is curling up beside me under my blanket or sprawling out in my lap and when it’s time for her to let me get up I need to physically remove her from my lap – that’s dedication! Thora also loves to play with her toys and is especially happy when you are playing with her. She’ll bring her favorite toy over and drop it in front of me, nosing it into my hands, waiting for me to throw it across the room or start up a good game of tug-of-war. If I toss it across the room she chases it right away and brings it back every time. I have not yet found the end of her energy when it comes to this game. Pretty good for a 9-year-old dog! Thora also has a surefire way to get your attention if she feels it’s lacking. She starts by staring deep into your eyes, then she drops her shoulders to the floor leaving her little rump in the air, knowing no one can resist giving her a good butt scratch! I take a picture of it every time because it’s just too cute and now my phone is full of pictures of Thora in her signature pose.
Thora was trained to use puppy pads in her previous home but she is very happy to do her business outside and aside from a few accidents in her first few days, she is completely house broken now. It’s clear she was also crate trained in her previous home as she took to her crate in my house right away. She is crated whenever I am out of the house or unable to pay attention to her. She happily goes into her crate for a treat and quickly settles. She is crated during the day while I am at work with a bathroom break at noon. Although she would love company throughout the day she can continue to handle this schedule if required. She also sleeps in her crate all night without a peep. Her first few car rides were a bit stressful but now she settles almost immediately and is a calm, quiet passenger. She needs to be secured in a crate or a booster, belted in for her safety.
One of the quirks I’ve discovered about Thora is her habit of biting her nails. Like, shove her whole foot in her mouth, making lots of crunching noises, biting her nails. I suspect there was a lapse in her grooming and she maybe took to this habit out of necessity as I have noticed a decrease since I started tending to her nails myself. And that was a necessity for me because as she bites her nails they can split a bit and then they get sharp! So, her new family needs to be ready to make her regular grooming appointments for her nails or, like I do, take care of it on their own on a weekly basis. She does not volunteer for this task but there is really nothing Thora won’t do if you ask her so she is pretty cooperative. I’ve had to give her a few baths as well and she’s been a patient recipient. Thora wants to please her people and she has brought nothing but love and laughter to my home.
Another quirk we see with Thora is her fear of bowls. She manages to muster enough courage to drink from the water bowl but she did not eat for the first few days I had her. This is not uncommon for a new foster dog so I didn’t worry too much about it, just thinking she was afraid or picky. After another few days I had occasion to pick up a piece of kibble and offer it to her and she inhaled it, famished. A few more experiments and I realized she would eat the kibble off the floor but she was terrified of the bowls. And I tried every bowl, plate, and receptacle in my house! We’ve been working hard on this fear and I’m now proud to report that Thora is eating her meals out of a bowl but I would expect some potential regression in her new home. My Thora is a quirky girl
When we’re not curled up on the couch Thora can be found awkwardly trying to play with one of her foster siblings. She is constantly looking for someone to play with her but she’s just not quite sure how to do it when the opportunity arises. It’s clear that she did not live with dogs so when she first came to us she was completely unaware of how to read the social cues from the other dogs. She has made great strides but she’s still not a pro! She is not aggressive or dangerous to the other dogs at all, she’s just a little thick when it comes to reading body language. Thora would love to have another dog in her forever home as long as they were of similar size and energy and not upset by a dog that takes a bit longer to understand expectations. She would also be fine as the only dog in the home, getting all the laps to herself! Either way her new family needs to be ready to play with her as she is a small dog with lots of energy (in between naps). When we are out walking she is unresponsive to any other animals we encounter, even dogs who bark at her. She is still perfecting her leash walking skills as this was a new thing for her but she has made great progress. She is going to benefit greatly from being enrolled in a training class and between this and her regular walks she’ll be a pro in no time. She can be a bit reserved with new people but it only lasts a few minutes. Her new family just needs to be committed to helping her be more social, opening up her world.
Thora met some young friends of mine and was perfectly behaved in their presence. She was not fearful or avoidant at all and enjoyed some good belly rubs and treats. Thora would be fine in a home with older children who could be taught to treat her tenderly and to watch out for her as an extra small dog.
Thora was given all of her vaccinations when she came into our care as well as heartworm test. She was already spayed and microchipped and a dental exam revealed no obvious mobile, fractured or painful teeth. She has generalized tartar but nothing requiring immediate care so our vet recommends a full dental assessment within the next year. Our vet also noted that her back right knee is rotated inwardly, likely related to a permanently displaced kneecap (luxated patella). We took Thora for a consultation at the orthopedic veterinarian surgeon who recommended against surgery. He felt that her body has adjusted to her condition and surgery would require breaking what her body has compensated for which could potentially do more damage than good. Her new family will need to keep checking on her legs with their vet but right now she gets more zoomies than any other dog in the house, and she’s our most senior resident!
Thora is another example of a wonderful Chihuahua, ready to change hearts and minds about the breed. She is fiercely loyal to her people and, after a bit of time, every person is ‘her people’! She can startle a bit at sudden movements but a bit more time in a patient and loving home and she’ll move past this insecurity. She needs a family who will make her mental and physical health a priority, never allowing her to suffer. She promises to offer lots of zoomies and couch snuggles as payment! Thora needs a soft place to live out the rest of her life being loved and cherished. If you’re in the market for a couch partner who is also ready to take on the world (but not too many unfamiliar bowls) then please consider applying to adopt Thora. You don’t want to miss out on calling this sweet girl yours!